Chapter 7: Lost In The Corridors

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Anger coursed through her veins as she stormed around the castle, letting out a little shriek of frustration every time she turned into yet another dead end. 

When she had calmed down enough to look retrospectively back on her behavior, she knew she would realize how childish she was being. 

What 17 year old girl in their right mind would have a temper tantrum and run round a castle screaming her head off? At that point in time though, she did not care. 

She had never been so angry in her whole life. Granted…she had been asleep for most of her life, but that was a small and irrelevant detail that she preferred to ignore. She was angry with everyone and everything. 

She was angry at the stupid magician who had agreed to cast this spell on her. She was angry with the evil Janus for wanting to take her anyway. She was angry with her parents for getting her into this horrible mess. 

And more than anything, she was angry at Steven. 

Though she could not put her finger on why exactly she was mad with him. In the end, she supposed it was because he was the only outlet she had at the moment, and since he was the dragon and therefore her captor, she surmised that she had every right to be angry at him.

He is just doing his job…

a sly voice in the recesses of her mind suddenly spoke out, causing her to frown and bite her lower lip.

He even tried to be nice to you by offering you food. You're the one acting like a spoiled brat towards him…though you are a Princess, what else could he expect?

"Shut up" Althea growled to herself as she resumed her angry storming through the castle. 

Great, now she had another name to add onto her list of people she was angry at. Herself. She was acting in an extremely unacceptable manner,

"Ah what would Mama say if she saw me now?" she mused aloud, slowing her steps to stare out of a large window, she closed her eyes after staring out of the window and into the impressive grounds below and tried to imagine her Mother standing next to her, giving her some of her trusted advice, but she couldn't imagine her. It had been too long. 

All she could remember of her mother was a wonderful head of long brown hair, but that was it. 

Althea resumed her exploration of the castle, wondering if the fact that she could not remember her mother clearly was an indication that she was a bad daughter. Sighing loudly once more, she continued her trek through the large castle.

She wasn't sure how long she had been wandering around the large castle, but she guessed she had been at it for a good few hours as the sun had begun to set, causing the already darkened hallways to become even more dark. 

She was beginning to get scared, and even jumped in fright once or twice due to her shadow making a particularly ominous shape against the dark walls. 

She couldn't understand how Steven had managed to live here for all those years, she surely would have gone mad from the complete silence in the castle. 

A wave of sympathy washed over her, but she quickly brushed it off,

"Why am I feeling sorry for him? He signed up for this, I'm the only one who is here against my will!" she rambled as she walked through the eerie corridors. 

She was now talking aloud because the silence of the castle was becoming unbearable and she needed to hear something to remind her that she was alive and hadn't been killed by one of the ghosts she was sure roamed the halls. 

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