Chapter 14: Understanding

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"Ah Nee-chan that hurt!" Steven growled angrily, rubbing the growing lump on his head where Hiyol had whacked him with the butt of her sword. Hiyol merely sniffed.

"You deserved it. I believe I told you there would be punishments if you messed up this mission, did I not?"

"I didn't mess up the mission, Althea's perfectly fine, she's just awake. Big deal!"

Hiyol sighed and pressed a hand to her forehead, why was she cursed with a foolish and idiotic brother?

"Idiot," she hissed. 

"Princess Althea is awake now, that means that all the protective enchantments Father placed upon this castle after hereby void. Should Janus want to waltz up to the castle and take her back at this very moment, there would be nothing to stop him."

"I'd stop him," Steven mumbled, but quietly enough that Hiyol did not hear.

"This means that the level of difficulty for this job has increased ten fold. Not only do you have to defeat countless of Princes, and you also have to make sure that none of these Princes even see Princess Althea. If they see her there is a chance that Janus will find out that she is awake and will come for her. Do you understand?"

Steven furrowed his brow, "I don't see what the big deal is. If this Janus guy comes, I'll just beat him as well".

This time Kenneth sighed, "you don't have the power to beat a guy like Janus, idiot".

"Oh yeah?" Steven sat up in his seat and grabbed Kenneth by his collar. 

"Are you calling me weak?"

Kenneth narrowed his eyes and retaliated by grabbing Steven's collar as well, "ye-"


"YES!" Kenneth and Steven both squeaked, returning back to their seats with fake smiles plastered over their faces after seeing Hiyol's angry face.

"Steven, I do not think you understand the severity of the situation. Kenneth is right, alone you do not have the power to stop Hiyol, it would be dangerous for you to even try-"

Steven raised a solemn hand to stop Hiyol from speaking, an oddly serious look was fitting over his face. 

"Nee-chan…Kenneth…I get that you're worried, I messed up….but you have to trust that I'm not going to let anything hurt Althea," he slammed his hand down on the table and clenched his fist, "I'll protect her with my life if I have too."

Hiyol and Kenneth sat in a stunned silence at his words. After a few moments, Hiyol smiled slightly, it seemed that her little brother was growing up.

"I must admit, it's nice to see you taking a mature approached to something for once."

Steven just shrugged, not wanting to say that he had become attached to the Princess. 

He wasn't even sure how it had happened, she had been fast asleep for the majority of the time he had known her, but over the years he had developed a fierce over protectiveness of her and he would be damned if anyone hurt her while he was in charge of her.

Nee-chan is an other way to call your sister in Japanese by the way.

Well I actually have no idea when to post the next chapter...maybe tomorrow? or maybe in a few days? I seriously don't know!

Oh well life is life.


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