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A sluggish Zuko literally bumped into Aang and Katara on their way back inside the dining hall. "Sifu Hotman, glad to see you're feeling better," the smiling airbender said with a bow. Just as he has done since the beginning of their friendship, he yells, "Don't call me that!" The happy couple giggle but quickly stop after seeing the firebender's golden eyes narrow. "Sorry, Zuko, I do hope you're feeling better. We thought we lost you after the second jug of wine," Aang said trying not to smile. Zuko paused, looking more pale than usual, before speaking firmly, "I'm okay, I just need a minute to warm up. Perhaps some friendly fire, Aang?" The sun had set for the evening while Aang and Katara shared a knowing smile. Her eyes telling her husband "It's okay, stay here". He watched his wife walk into the dining hall when Zuko announced, "Show me what you got on the count of three!" "One..two...three!" The long time friends firebended flames in the palm of their hands. While Zuko's flame was big enough to warm everyone in the dining hall, Aang bended a tiny, flickering flame in the palm of his hand. Zuko scoffed, "What is that?! After all this time, you're still producing these small flames. What's going on?"

Aang looked at his flame with a confused face. He turned to his firebending master and spoke in an agitated tone, "I don't know what you mean. You said fire and I made fire. What's the problem?" Zuko shook his head, almost pitying his friend. "There's nothing else you're worried about? Nothing that happens on the night of the wedding?" the firebender asked. Aang blew a defeated sigh and his flame extinguished. The airbender sat down without a noise and Zuko followed his lead. After a few moments of silence had passed, he spoke to his friend in an almost whisper, "How did you handle the wedding night with Mai?" "I knew he was nervous," Zuko thought, but refrained from smiling. Mirroring Aang's hushed tone, Zuko replied, "I just thought back to the talk Iroh gave me when I started dating Mai. He was more my father than my actual father ever was. When I thought about the wedding night, I thought about how I usually do when I'm firebending. When I firebend, I think about what I want and I feel confident. I'm aware of my power to achieve anything." Aang traded his confused face for a frown and asked, "I never had anyone to talk to about this and I think that's the problem. I was too young when I had Gyatso and the only experienced guys I'm around are related to Katara. Ughhh what am I gonna do?"

Zuko thought for a moment and asked his friend, " much do you know?" Aang's eyebrows furrowed, "I know how it works, Zuko!", then his voice lowered to a whisper, "But, what if it's bad? What if I'm bad? What if she hates it and regrets it? I-" His rambling was cut off by Zuko, "Whoah whoah okay, you need to find your breath". After Aang took a few deep breaths he felt his qi flow freely in his body. He continued, "Listen, I'll tell you what Iroh told me. 'No one is good their first time.'" Aang, still frowning, asked, "How's that supposed to help? Just expect to be bad? No offense, but I thought your Uncle was wise?" He smiled ever so slightly and replied, "He is, but what he meant was don't put pressure on yourself for something that almost nobody gets right the first time. You need to be confident and feel powerful, like when you're firebending. Think about what you desire and how you can make it happen." Aang sat in silence, his face becoming pensive. Suddenly Zuko bends a huge flame in the palm of his hand, pulsating with vitality. After nodding to the airbender to copy him, he says, "Think about what you want and how you want things to be. What do you desire? How do you want Katara to see you? Now, go!" A burst of red, hot flame appeared in the airbender's palm, almost identical to Zuko's. The airbender laughed in exuberant excitement, "Zuko look! I did it!" Zuko, giving a half smile to his friend, slapped Aang on the back in reassurance. "Now, think like THAT and things will go well, even when you might be bad at it. And you probably, definitely will."

Aang's mind turned over the teachings from the monks about power and desire. It felt like everything he had learned was in direct conflict of what it means to be a firebender. He never wanted to desire anything because that would lead to unhappiness. He disliked the idea of power and even has run away from it many times. But then again, Aang wondered, "I will never reach enlightenment because I'm the Avatar." He knew that by being the Avatar, he would have to subscribe to earthly attachments in order to keep balance. He chose Katara over mastering the Avatar State because of his attachment to her. He remembered all of the times he felt pain because of his strong attachment to Katara. He wanted to make her happy and wanted to please her. After this thought came to his mind, he felt energy flowing from his abdomen to the rest of his body. He desired Katara and more importantly, wanted her to desire him. He brought his mind back to the external world. Aang bended water and put out his ball of energy. He smiled at the firebender, "Thanks, Zuko! That helped a lot. I think I'm ready to begin my night as a married man." The friends stood up. Zuko laughed and began to walk inside the dining hall with Aang, "You got this, buddy."

*The next morning*

Katara fluttered her eyes open to see her husband sleeping soundly next to her in their bed. Her eyes followed the amber headboard to where it met Aang's head. Memories of their first night together as husband and wife danced through her mind. She felt exhausted but wanted to feel that way again and again. Resting her head gently on Aang's chest, he squirmed and began to open his eyes. "Oh no, I'm sorry I woke you up," she said with a frown. Aang beamed with a smile, "Don't be sorry. Can I only be woken up by your beautiful face for the rest of my life?" Her cheeks flushed red as she smiled at him. She sighed dreamily, "Is this going to be every day? I think I will die of a sweet tooth if you keep that up." "I will try to make you feel this way every minute of every day. I never want you to forget what you mean to me." Katara's cheeks became almost hot and she could not contain her smile. "I think you're on the right path if last night is any indication. I have never seen you like that except in battle."

Aang's smile faded and became serious, " you saying you would do it again?" "Of course I would! That was amazing. I was worried at first from the horror stories I was told, but you made me feel safe. You were caring, strong, and passionate. Where did that come from?" He jokingly rolled his eyes and lifted his nose in the air, "Please, Katara, I'm just a simple monk." Katara burst out laughing into Aang's chest, "I don't think simple monks act like THAT". His aloof facade faded into his usual big grin, "I just thought about you and what you mean to me. I wanted to make you feel how you make me feel every day. You deserve the world." She looked into his grey eyes and kissed him gently. He deepened the kiss. Much to her excitement, the kiss continued for a few minutes. He finally broke away from the kiss, "When I'm with you, I feel like I can do anything. Thank you, Katara. I love you." She continued to stare at her husband with a half-lidded expression. She ran her fingers across Aang's chest and whispered, "I love you, too."

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