2: Meeting the Hope Slut

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Hajime POV

I looked at him, analyzing him for longer than I'd admit, before realizing I was staring.

He got out of the car and stuck his hand out to me, which I awkwardly took, giving him a small handshake and putting my hand back at my side.

"I'm Hinata Hajime," I introduce myself.

"Oh, I'm Komaeda Nagito. I know who you are, we go to the same high school, Hope's Peak. I recognized you right away as being a reserve course student...but it makes sense that you wouldn't recognize trash like me who has such a useless ultimate..."

+This guy has some intense self hatred...+

"You're not trash, I just don't get around to seeing the ultimates much-" I tried to argue with him but he cut me off.

"Well, you and your kind are the scum of the school and are kept away from us to preserve hope."


The atmosphere grew awkward and I felt a weight on my shoulder, which was Chiaki's hand.

She whispered a "let's go inside, yeah?" I nodded, following her inside as we lead the rest of the group.

That Komaeda guy has some serious issues...


I look over at my best friend, who was focused on a video game, but also talking to me.

"I'm guessing you...already think ill...of Komaeda? I think..."

Am I really that easy to read?

"I guess so," I shrugged, "he didn't really leave a good...first impression on me."

"Makes sense...he's just like that sometimes, he can't help it...I think...you two will get along..." Her eyes are still on her game.

"Chiaki, how the hell am I supposed to get along with a guy moodier than the Ohio weather?"


She went silent and focused completely on her game until we arrived inside.

The mall was filled with hundreds of noises. Rustling bags, quick shoes, trendy music, meaningless conversation, and much more you'd typically find in a busy place like this.

Izuru, Tanaka, Souda, Chiaki, Mioda, and Tsumiki all went to Hot Topic, while Kuzuryuu and Pekoyama walked around, almost aimlessly.

That left Komaeda and I to find something to do.



"I think we got off on the wrong foot earlier..."

Oh my fucking god, I'm not dealing with his bullshit-


"Well, yeah that's it."

Damn, not even an apology?

"Anyways, wanna get pretzels?" Komaeda asked, though he probably just wanted to change the subject.

"Sure," I shrugged and Komaeda and I walked back to the food court, got pretzels, and sat down in a somewhat uncomfortable silence.

Neither of us knew what to talk about, which just made everything more awkward.

Until he spoke up.

"So, how do you, a reserve course student, know the ultimates?"

Of course, I was hesitant on answering the passive aggressive question, but I did anyways, "well, Chiaki and I are childhood friends, and when she started dating my brother, Izuru, her friends became his as well, so we all met that way."

"Wait...your brother is Izuru Kamakura?"

Ah yes...the natural reaction when people find out that the person who's literally the Ultimate Perfectionist is related to...a lowly reserve course student...

"Yes..." I reply hesitantly.

"Interesting..." An unreadable expression shows on his face, he seems lost in thought.

I wonder what he's thinking...

"Anyways, do you have any pets, Hinata?" He questions me.

"Yeah...I live with Izuru in a small apartment with a cat that I rescued a few months ago..."

My cat, Buttons, was found on the side of the street not long ago. I immediately brought her home, nursed her back to health, and the rest is history.

"I see...I live in my late parents' home with my butler and two dogs." He says 'late parents'' and 'my butler' so casually...

"Did you just say butler?" I question him.

"Oh, yeah! He's been my closest friend and caretaker since my parents passed when I was young..." His expression turned into a scary one and he clutched his sides, "they died in a plane accident because of my terrible luck...ah... the despair I felt that day..."

He seems to be in a trance...

I snap my fingers in front of his face, which turns his attention back to me, "apologies, Hinata."

"It's fine, Komaeda."

We talk about random things for a long time, not caring that all of our friends had already left the mall. Eventually, we ended up leaving our small table we were eating at and just randomly exploring the mall, stopping at whatever place seems interesting before leaving.

After exchanging phone numbers while walking, I felt a wetness hit the top of my head.

Maybe it's rain?

"Hey, Komaeda."

The white haired boy looks at me from beside me while still walking.

"Have you felt anything that could be raindrops? Or is that just me?"

Ggggggg hey guys! I've been planning to write this for a while now and I'm so excited hgagsgwjdgwidwkxvw

I'm sorta getting writer's block right now but hopefully it doesn't effect anything in the future cause uh...it may or may not be September 29th right now while I'm writing this

Anyways, have a great day/night and I'll hopefully see you all next chapter!

Word count: 881

(Right before publish 😳)
I'm publishing this early 😼

Word count: 893

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