3: Walking in the Rain

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Hajime POV

Komaeda looks at the sky before looking at me, "I thought I was the only one..."

I look back at the sky, only to be met by intense rain smacking me in the face, causing me to look at the ground.

"Hinata, are you ok?" He grabs my arm and looks at me, seeming concerned.

"I'm ok, Komaeda. It's only a little rain." I laugh it off and Komaeda lets go of my arm, looking at the ground.

I notice that my white shirt is already soaked with rain, and whisper under my breath, "this is gonna be a bitch to walk home in..."

"What was that, Hinata?" Komaeda asked, glancing at me from my side.

"Oh, I have to walk a long ways back...since the trains and buses have already stopped...and it's going to suck walking home in the rain, since I have about half an hour left of walking."

Komaeda nods, and puts his hand to his chin like he's thinking hard about something.

He turns back towards me, "It's only about a ten minute walk back to my place. If you want, you can stay with me until the rain goes down...not that you'd want to spend time with trash like me..."

"Oh, I think that's a good idea, if it's ok with you."

He nods, showing it's ok with him.

"Ok then, lead the way!" I exclaim a little bit too excitedly...I just really want to get out of this rain...even if it isn't entirely bothersome...

I start noticeably shivering, since the rain soaked through my white shirt. Komaeda seems to notice, since he drapes his large green jacket over my shoulders.

"Komaeda, this is unnecessary. I'm fine, it's not that much farther-"

"Shut up, Hinata. I can sense a great hope inside of you...it needs protecting...but it would make sense if you didn't wanna wear a jacket that belongs to trash such as myself..."

"It's not the fact that it's your jacket, and you're not trash, Komaeda...I just don't want you getting sick for doing this for me..."

A gust of wind sends shivers throughout my body, causing me to clutch on to the sides of the jacket and pull them closer to me. Komaeda seems to have no reaction, as he isn't as soaked as me.

"And that's why you're wearing it instead of me. You're cold, and I'm fine."

I decided not to argue, as it seemed futile, which led to the rest of the short walk being in a comfortable silence as we both listened to the pitter patter of the rain hitting the sidewalk.

By the time we reached our destination, we were both dripping wet with rain rolling down us slowly.

Komaeda tapped my shoulder lightly to get my attention, which worked. I looked at him questioningly.

"We're here," He motioned in front of us.

If Komaeda hadn't said that the building in front of us belonged to him, I wouldn't have even given the huge house a second glance.

"Holy shit..." I whisper, staring at the mansion.

It wasn't one of those huge, grand, over-extra mansions. It was one of those average sized ones, not too overwhelming, but not exactly underwhelming either.

"Well Hinata, are you going to come inside or what?" I hadn't even noticed Komaeda had left my side and was now standing at the door to the large house.

"Oh, sorry!" I yelled, running up to the open door.

When I walked in, I was greeted with loud barking coming from within the house and a smiling man wearing a black tailcoat greeting Nagito at the door, "welcome home, Young Master Komaeda."

Short time skip 😸👍

I sat on the couch with a towel on my shoulders while I waited for Nagito to join me so we could watch TV or something. One of Komaeda's two dogs, which were both Pitbull-Great Dane mixes. I quickly learned that they're both very attention-loving.

(A/N I totally don't have that same breed-)

The one I was laying with was named Etna, and I've been laying with the dog since I got out of the shower moments ago.

I grab my phone,which was sitting on the small coffee table in front of me and turn it on, seeing dozens of texts from my friends and brother.

Izuwu: Where are you? Why'd you leave?

calm down, Izuru. I'm with Komaeda, we left before the rain got bad because we got bored so we just vibin at his placw


Izuwu: ok


I set my phone back on the coffee table and spoil Etna with attention, the dog obviously enjoying it.

"I think my dog loves you more than me." Komaeda comes around the corner, scaring me and sending the dog running away. He seems to have noticed, and he quickly apologizes, stating he's "useless trash."

"Komaeda, you aren't useless trash, and I'm not sure why you think you are."

I'm the useless trash here...

I'm not even an ultimate.

"That's amazing to hear from someone whom I can sense such a great hope from..." Komaeda clutched at his sides again, a twisted smile made its way onto his face.

One of the dogs, I believe Ellie, jumps onto Komaeda, placing her paws on his shoulders and bringing him away from his thoughts. Komaeda reaches down to pet her once she stops jumping on him.

I glance out the window in front of me, noticing that the rain hasn't died down at all. In fact, it's only gotten worse.

The man in a tailcoat from earlier approaches us, his expression unreadable.

"Young Master Komaeda, I regret to inform you that the rain may not die down until late tonight..."

"Oh, ok...thank you, Sebastian...and I've told you to just call me Nagito. You may leave now." The butler, who I assume is named Sebastian, bows and turns around, leaving Komaeda and I alone.

(1000= word count without A/N)
Another chapter done!

Let me know if there are any mistakes or if you have any suggestions on anything

Hopefully see you next chapter!

Word count with A/N= 1037

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