8: Mondays

968 29 96

I was crying to this song while writing this so here ya go.

3rd Person Limited because I suddenly enjoy writing in 3rd person

Hajime was awoken by his brother shaking him awake and demanding him to wake up.

"Wake up, Hajime. We have school today, did you forget again?"

Hajime disgracefully tried throwing his pillow at Izuru, who just smacked it back down at him, "You heard me, wake up, you bum."


Hajime groaned, and Izuru grabbed his wrist, bringing him up from the bed, only for Hajime to growl and fall right back down.

Hajime curled up into his pillows and blankets, snuggling against them.

Izuru sighed and left the room.

Fuckin finally...Hajime thought, shifting himself so he was holding his pillow against him as if he were cuddling a person.

Right after getting comfortable, Hajime was yet again disturbed by Izuru.

But this time, Izuru walked into Hajime's room banging two pans together and screaming the lyrics to Welcome to the Black Parade.

Izuru got the banging pans as close to Hajime's ear as he was still screaming.

(A/N this is how my sister wakes me up sometimes because I am Hajime in this situation all the damn time)

"Fuck you, Izuru!" Hajime screamed, smacking one of the pans out of Izuru's hand, only for the pan to hit Hajime in the head.

This caused him to yell and jump out of bed, almost knocking Izuru to the floor in the process.

"Ok, now get dressed, I'll make breakfast....it's just cereal, though." Izuru instructed.

"Do we even have time for that?" Hajime asks, walking over to his dresser.

"Hajime, I woke you up early today, we have over an hour before school starts. Feel free to take your time and work your normal speed, which is equivalent to the speed of an old man." Izuru then left Hajime's room, closing the door behind him.

Haj sighed and got dressed, looking in the mirror while tying his tie.

"Blah blah blah, I'm Izuwu Coma-Cum-Ah, blah, I'm the ultimate ultimate! Blah blah Hajime moves like an old man, blegh." Hajime says in a mocking tone, still standing at the mirror. He stuck his tongue out at the mirror, a mocking look on his face, blowing raspberry at the glass.

"Hey, Hajigay Hintatas, I heard all of that. Come on, breakfast is ready." Izuru opens the door, startling Hajime more than he'd like to admit.

"Yeah, yeah," Hajime grumbles, leaving his room and sitting in front of a bowl of cereal that Izuru made.

He quickly eats it before heading to the single bathroom in the apartment, finding Izuru already there.

"I hate you, Izuru," Hajime says, grabbing his toothbrush and putting the paste on it before running it under the sink water.

"Love you too, little brother," Izuru smiles sarcastically, his mouth full of the white minty toothpaste.

"YOU'RE ONLY FIVE MINUTES OLDER, FU-" Hajime was cut off by his own spit as he choked on the toothpaste that was bubbling in his mouth.

He then coughed the toothpaste into the sink, glaring at a laughing Izuru.

But then Izuru started choking, and spit it all into the sink, calming himself down.

The brothers glared at each other for a minute before they both started laughing, then leaving the bathroom after going quiet.

(Yes, I'm making them have a very close brotherly relationship, since this is how me and my brother used to be until a bunch of shit happened and now he barely wants to look at me)

"Are we walking or taking the bus today, Hajime? It's up to you." Izuru says, slipping on his shoes at the door.

"Hm...we'll stink if we walk...so I guess the bus?" Hajime also puts his shoes on.

"Wise choice. The bus stop isn't too far, you know where, right?" Izuru asks, opening the door.

Hajime nods, stepping out the door with Izuru following.

Izuru closed and locked the apartment door behind them before walking to the bus stop with Hajime.

After getting off at the bus stop nearest to the school, the two brothers walked the short rest of the way to the old buildings.

The two parted ways when they reached the actual school- Hajime going to the reserve course building and Izuru going to the building filled with ultimates.

Hajime sighed, walking into his classroom and placing his bag of books on the back of his chair, and putting his head on his desk.

Truth be told, Hajime didn't really know anyone in his class, and he didn't even bother thinking about socializing. He was graduating in a few years, so he didn't see a point in socializing with people he'll never hear from again after Senior Year.

The teacher walked in after everyone else, placing her stuff on her desk and standing in front of the class, smiling widely.

(A/n idk if there's a canon reserve course teacher, and quite honestly, I don't care)

The teacher grabbed her list of students off of her desk and started reading off names, making sure everyone was present.

After some boring lessons, it was finally Hajimes's lunch time.


I'm really happy with the beginning of this chapter pls-


See you guys next chapter!


(Word count: 900)

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