Your First Day In The Glade!

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        Darkness. You couldn't see anything. The only sound you could hear were your heavy breaths as you began to wonder where you were. You began to dig around your mind for a memory, of anything. Nothing. Ivory. "Huh?" you say sitting up. Ivory, the male voice said again, he had a thick british accent. "Ivory," you whisper continuously trying to remember. "Ivory!" You yell, "My names Ivory!" you yell again jumping to your feet just to be jerked down again by the shaft beggining to move upwards. Lights began flashing as the noise of metal filled your ears. Covering your ears you put your head in your legs untill you feel the shaft come to a complete stop. Groaning you sheild your eyes as a blinding light glares back at you. Once your eyes adjust you light you find a blonde boy staring at you, he looked scared or amazed. You couldn't tell. "Well are you going to help me up or just stand there?" you say pretty rudely. The boy seemed to snap out of his daze as he walked over to you mumbling a sorry.

        "What's going on down there?" You hear a voice call.

        "It's a girl," The cute blonde, british boy says looking up.

        "Is she cute?" You hear someone call

        "I call dibs."

        "How hot is she?"

        "Throw the rope," The boy infront of you yells. Soon a rope with a loop on the end gets thrown down. You stare at the rope your eyebrows raised. "Put your foot in the loop," he says obviously sensing your confusion. As you reach the top you glance around. "Where am I?" you mumble standing up, trying to find a place to go. Alone. You were right now infront of a bunch of teenage boys who looked like they have never seen a girl before. Without looking very much you see a gigantic opening. Quickly without thinking you run towards it. You hear yelling behind you but don't pay much attention, your only focus was to get through the openning. You were almost there as you were tackled by a boy with brown hair.

        "Where do you think your going princess?" He spits. You elbow him in his face making him grab his nose. A few boys end up holding him back as all of the boys crowd around you. A dark skinned boy, who looked the oldest glared at you for a few seconds before saying "Put her in the slammer."        

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