You Get Stuck In The Maze (Minho 1)

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Part 1:

"Minho," You groan stretching out the 'O' "Hurry Up!" When he doesn't answer you begin to get bored and annoyed. "If I have to wait for so long can I at least draw?" You ask putting your head on his shoulder.

"Y/N! Just leave me alone," He states before looking at the maps again.

"I just want to help but you won't let me do anything," You mumble looking down.

"You're annoying you know that? I don't even know why your my shucking girlfriend," He says rolling your eyes. You look at him as a tear rolls down your cheek. "Y/N," He starts before you run out of the mapping room and into the deadheads climbing a random tree.

About 30 minutes later, 10 minutes before the doors close, you hear voices calling you. "Y/N," Minho's voice calls as you jump out of the tree "Y/N! I was so worried I thought you ran into the shucking maze or something," He says attempting to hug you but you back away and begin walking towards the glade angrily. "Y/N," He starts before you cut him off. "I don't want to annoy you," You state before walking towards the box.

You were sitting by a tree near the box when something pulled you to look at the maze doors. You knew they were going to close soon but it didn't matter. You ran for the doors. You heard your name being called behind you but you were already down the corridor. You turned around and watched as the doors begin to close, Gally and Alby held Minho back as he screamed your name and the doors closed.


I watched as my friend fell to his knees. 3 shucking years in the glade and I had never seen him cry, not once not even when he first arrived. "Minho," His name left my mouth as I realized everyone had left, "Minho, she's smart she'll find a way,"

"Nobody survives a night in the maze," He answers barely looking up, "I l-loved her," He sobs into his hands now sitting towards the doors.

"Minho she-" I was cut off by the whirring and clicking of grievers. I gulped looking down. "She will be-," Again I was cut off by a scream, Y/N's scream to be exact. That's when I broke, I sat beside him and silently sobbed into my hand, the glade was gloomy and silent without her.

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