Where You Two Hang Out

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Preference #1

Newt: You two usually hang out at the deadheads or sometimes you would 'help him' keep the boys in line which basically means you following him around the glade and mimicing him yelling at the boys using a terrible british accent.

Minho: Since Minho is a runner you barely see him during the day so you spend as much time as you can together in the homestead when he gets back from the maze and finishes mapping it.

Gally: Since both of you are builders you hang out A LOT during the day and your fun usually ends when Alby or Newt tells you to quit messing around or that we would spend a day in the slammer.

Thomas: You both just hang out in random places, sometimes you hang out in the mapping room even though you not a runner.


Hi! Can you give me ideas! I will be writing a bunch today hopefully! If you like Youtube check out my other imagine about youtubers and viners! I want to write a fanfic but Idk who to make it about its a tie between Newt or Minho but idk :).

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