The Lies We Tell Ourselves

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*Sexual content ahead*

The water was cold at first on his charred skin, but quickly it enveloped his arm into a soothing, warm sensation. His breathing finally slowed to a stable rhythm after what felt like hours of agony in his body. Laying on the hospital bed, he felt himself finally relax as her soft skin touched his wound. The tendrils of her chocolate hair tickled his skin, making his body writhe at the sensation. He tried to remain as stoic as possible as to not raise any suspicion of his attraction to his doctor. Her beautiful voice snapped him back to reality.

"Okay, Mr. Zuko Kai, you should take it easy for a few days but the burns should heal fully in a few weeks," she told him. She put the water from her hands away into a sterile pouch on the bedside table. He felt disappointed that she would be leaving soon, but put on a weak smile. "That is great to know, Doctor Natatok. Thank you for your help." She smiled as she stood up next to his bed, "Please, you can just call me Katara. I'll check in with you in a few hours."

Zuko groaned as she walked away. He had never met anyone so beautiful and nice in his life. He rolled his eyes as he thought, "Wow, having a crush on your doctor, how original." The healing treatment began to take its effect as his golden eyes started to close. He felt warm all over, wondering if the angel taking care of him was really all a dream. He startled at the sight of the Avatar talking to his doctor outside of his room, but the unrelenting pull of sleep overtook him.

"Hey! It's not a breach of confidentiality if his dad happens to tell me what hospital he's at and you happen to tell me you got a burn victim who happens to be Zuko. That's just pure coincidence," he chuckled with a crooked smile. Katara furrowed her brow at her boyfriend, "Aang, you're unbelievable! He's sleeping anyway, so you'll have to come back tomorrow during visiting hours." He wiggled his eyebrows as he unveiled a package of stewed sea prunes as if he was Vanna White. Aang came prepared for her reaction and Katara sighed at her boyfriend knowing her so well. She folded her arms as she closed the space between them, "Hmmm I'll take them, only because I haven't eaten in 8 hours. Don't think I'm not still mad!" He beamed and kissed her on the cheek, "You're the most beautiful woman in the world, Katara! I'll see you at home later. I love you!" He made his quick exit while she was relatively calm and not shooting ice daggers at him.

The following morning, Aang arrived at the hospital 5 minutes before visitor hours began. He was wearing a long trench coat, blue jeans, and sunglasses and a hat to hide his shaved head and blue arrow tattoo, thinking he looked inconspicuous. Aang was unaware that his girlfriend was walking down the hallway, shaking his head at the sight of his boyfriend trying to be sneaky. Right on the hour, he ran to Zuko's room, narrowly sliding in front of his girlfriend as he removed his glasses and hat. "Mornin', Doctor Natatok! I'm a humble colleague of this young man's father, and I am here to wish him well," he grinned while presenting a bag of donuts, "I brought these in case the diligent work staff would like some."

Katara tried not to smile but couldn't stop from smiling at him bringing her favorite foods."Okay, fine, I will accept these donuts but I also demand a foot massage later tonight." "That's it? I think I can do better than that," Aang winked as he pressed his body against hers, wrapping an arm around her waist. She felt herself melt as he kissed her on the lips. He broke the kiss and announced as he swiftly knocked on the door, "Duty calls, sweetie."

"Come in," Zuko gruffly replied to the knock on the door. Aang peeked his head in the room before walking towards the bed. "Hey, Zuko! Your dad said you were here so I wanted to see how you're doing. I felt kind of responsible for not getting to those criminals before you were attacked." He sat in a chair at the side of Zuko's bed with a solemn demeanor. His dad was the Mayor of Republic City and had called Aang to apprehend a gang conspiring to kill Zuko's father. "I'm a lot better today, thanks for asking. Also, it wasn't your fault, I should have waited but I thought I could take them." He chuckled darkly as he looked down to his burned chest and arms. "Still, I wish I could've gotten there sooner. I'm glad you're okay and you're in the hands of the best healer in Republic City," Aang smiled. Zuko furrowed his brow at a burning question he has had in my mind since yesterday. He didn't know Aang that well so he shifted uncomfortably in his bed. "Speaking of Dr. Natatok, I saw you guys talking for a while yesterday, do you know her?"

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