What Is and What Should Never Be

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Sokka sighed as he rang the doorbell to the house of his sister and her boyfriend. Turning to his girlfriend, he furrowed his brow, "Get ready for this, Suki. They're all going to be a mess and I need documentation of ALL of it." Suki raised an eyebrow and playfully slapped her boyfriend on the shoulder, "Oh, and I'm sure you'd be okay if Katara posted pictures of you naked in the desert drunk off cactus juice?" Sokka yelled, "That was ONE time!" He calmed himself, "Okay, you're right, maybe I'll go easy on my sister. All these other people are up for grabs, though." Aang opened the door and gave a big hug to both of them. "Thank you so much for coming! We owe you one." Sokka smirked, "Oh yeah, expect my invoice tomorrow."

The three of them laughed as they walked into the living room. Sokka and Suki greeted Katara and Toph, then were introduced to Zuko. The couple gave each other a look of "what's with this kid" look but managed to stay polite through the introduction. After Sokka and Suki caught up with Aang and Toph, Sokka cleared his throat loudly as it turned into a hacking cough. "Ew, Sokka," Katara groaned. "It's my turn to speak, so please no more interruptions, Katara," her brother said with a pointed glare in her direction. "Fine," she sighed and snuggled closely next to Aang.

"So," Sokka clasped his hands, "We have some ground rules. All main exits will be locked and you will not leave with myself or Suki. All of your phones will be taken away. Don't look in the mirror, it's a freaky experience that can ruin your trip. Lastly, have fun!" Toph grinned, "Wow, this really is going to be like babysitting. Sokka, want to enlighten us on how you know so much about cactus juice?" Sokka blushed and caught Suki frowning in the corner of his eye. "Uh, well, that concludes the ground rules, let's get started! Aang, will you kindly do the honors?" Aang smiled as he looked around the room, "Alright, everyone ready?" He poured equal shots out for himself, Katara, Toph, and Zuko. The four of them drank the green liquid and casually talked with each other while waiting for it to take it's effect.

Katara was the first to notice the effects of the cactus juice. Her eyes shot open, "Did this carpet always move?" Aang flailed as he looked down at the carpet, "Ahhh! Who let all these snakes in here?!" Zuko stood up and walked over to Aang and Katara's feet, "Don't worry, I'll stop them!" Zuko took out two swords and started slicing the carpet. Aang and Katara cheering their friend on, "Yeah, Zuko!" Suki ran over to Zuko to grab the swords as Sokka followed. He furrowed his brow as he yelled, "How did we not remember to take any weapons away?" Suki grunted while prying the swords from Zuko's hands, "I guess we didn't think anyone would just carry weapons on them like that out to a date. What's this kid's deal?" Sokka shrugged as he took the swords and locked them away in the basement. Upon coming up the stairs he heard music blaring.

"Come on, Sokka, feel the vibrations with me," a swaying Toph said as she motioned for him to come to dance with her. Sokka shook his head, "It's alright, Toph, I'm gonna have a seat but you have fun." He started to sit down but was startled back up to see Aang chewing on Katara's hair. "Mmmm, when did you grow twizzlers out of your head?" Sokka walked over to stop the gross activity but was intercepted by Zuko pushing Aang away from Katara. "Stop eating her twizzlers, she needs them to live!" Aang stood up with a stumble, "Who are you to tell me what I can't eat from my own girlfriend?" Zuko's face was inches away from Aang's at this moment. The heat between the two rising quickly. The firebender yelled at Aang while being pushed away by Sokka. "I'm the man who loves her and I say leave her twizzlers alone!" If the music not digital, this is where a record scratch would've occurred. Everyone in the room became silent except for Toph. "I mean, duh, I already knew that and you did too, didn't you?" Toph asked as she petted a turtleduck next to her that only she could see.

Sokka and Suki attempted to change the subject but were met with more chaos. "You love her? What the hell? You're just a gross spider, you can't dare to be on the same level as Queen of Candy! Are you even hearing yourself?" Katara was not paying attention as she was busy completing the maze located in her palm. Sokka interjected, "Alright, okay, Aang have a seat and Suki, can you grab Zuko?" Zuko spoke as he was being eased into his seat, "Yeah, I'm the spider that knows true love and she's the one for me. AND I wouldn't eat her twizzlers!" Katara smiled, "I won the maze, I'm the Queen now!" She promptly stood up and jumped up and down. Aang was held back by Sokka, seething with anger. Katara turned to face Aang, "Oh, sweetie! Your gumdrop crown is crooked," she fumbled her hands on his head and he smiled. Aang took Katara's hands in his, "Tell the spider that you can't be together!" She pouted as she turned to face Zuko, "I'm sorry, Mr. Spider, we can't be together. I love my Gumdrop King." Sokka waved his hands as he stood in between the three of them, "Okay, okay, this is quite enough. Aang and Katara have a seat and look at the carpet," then he turned to look at Zuko with a scowl, "You, go talk to Toph."

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