[yandere scenario]

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⚠️ WARNING ⚠️: this scenario is a lot darker than a lot of the others! it will include mentions towards violence, stalker-like attitudes, and characters becoming very obsessed/infatuated with you. if that makes you at all uncomfortable, i strongly advise you to not continue forward with these scenarios! future updates will be more fluff/angst related, so please look forward to those instead if this is not your forte.


→ huey duck (aged up)

huey is the type of yandere who knows everything and anything about you, but can't say a word to you. he remembers your daily routine, your interests, your relationships with other people, and some things you don't even know about yourself, yet he freezes up before he can even walk towards you. he would never threaten anyone, but huey is definitely the jealous type. he just wants to show off his knowledge and watch as your eyes light up in amazement from all the things he wants to tell you, despite the fact that he can barely talk to you without freaking out. huey just needs someone who loves and cares for him and wants to listen to him, and you're the perfect someone.

→ dewey duck (aged up)

let's make this clear, dewey is a stalker. he needs to know where you are and what you're doing at all times. if he let's you out of his sight for even a moment, he freaks out and panics. you basically don't have a private life anymore thanks to him, although you don't know that he's watching you. he spent time learning how to set up hidden cameras in your room so he could make sure everything was alright. he also installed a tracker in a ring/bracelet/necklace/earrings/etc that you wear all the time because you promised him you'd never take it off. it's just relieving for him to know what you're doing so he can save you if you ever need him. he wants to be your hero and impress you, because he's never loved anyone the way he loves you, and now that's he's certain you're the one, dewey's never going to love anyone else but you again...

→ louie duck (aged up)

louie is constantly worried about you and what you're doing. if you aren't with him, you're probably with someone else, and that someone else might want you all for themselves. he's very possessive of you, and when he wants something, he's going to put in the effort in order to get it. louie isn't much for violence or face-to-face confrontation, so he gets rid of his rivals but sending them threats or destroying their social careers on the internet so you won't want to spend time with them anymore. louie is constantly worried about you, so he monitors you in any way he can. he's just trying to keep you safe, that's all.

→ webbigail vanderquack (aged up)

webby started out thinking the two of you were just really close friends, but she's grown to want to be with you forever. you're her everything! she thinks about you non-stop and can't get you out of her head, not that she'd ever want to. she likes to know anything and everything about you and when you answer the many questions she asks you, she hangs onto every word and takes note of every single thing you say, as if her life depended on it. she also isn't afraid to threaten anyone that comes between you two. she doesn't care if it's the triplets, her friends, or some random stranger off the street, she isn't going to give you up to anyone. you listen to her and let her do her "webby thing", which makes her feel so special. webby's so happy to have met someone like you and there's a chance she may never meet another, so now that she has you in her life, she's never letting go.

→ lena despell (aged up)

lena has shown canonical evidence that she is jealous of loosing webby's friendship to violet, so she definitely has yandere-like behavior. she monitors you constantly when you two can't be together and she isn't afraid to threaten anyone that could be bothering you. lena loves you, like more than anything in the world, but she doesn't trust you to be around other people that could potentially harm you or take you away from her. other than her friends, you are the closest thing lena has ever had to family, and she is going to protect you for the rest of your life if it means you'll be safe in her arms.

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