3. Touchdown Korea

937 40 9

April 28, 7:30 pm

You are currently waking up to the pilot's announcement through the speakers.

Pilot: Good Evening dear passengers, we are almost in our destination, please prepare for landing. Thank you for flying with us today.

"What a great nap" you said to yourself.

You turned to your right as you felt Aleksi nudge on your right arm.

Aleksi: Woah! What a beautiful view, I should've taken the window seat.

You: Too bad I beat you to it hahahaha.

You get your phone and took a photo of the night view of Incheon from your window.

"I'll upload this later after we land." you said to yourself.

While You and Aleksi were talking, the flight stewardess passed by to remind you to put your seatbelts on as the plane was already preparing to land. Both of you stopped talking for now as you followed the stewardess' reminder.

You: Let's continue our chat when we arrive bro.

Aleksi: Aight fam.

The plane landed and your team got off the plane and made your way to the customs. As you were walking, your phone began to ring as you immediately took it from your pocket. You see that your Dad is calling you.

You: Hello Dad, Why did you call?

Dad: Oh nothing serious, just calling to tell you that the caretaker of the gaming house is going to pick you guys up from the airport. I know that it's already evening by the time you arrive there so you can tell her to take you to a place to eat before you guys go to the gaming house.

You: Kate is here to pick us up? Neat! Okay thanks for the update Dad, appreciate it.

Dad: No worries son, Take care of the team and yourself, I'll call again if something comes up.

You: Okay dad thanks bye.

You go through the customs last as you went to your guys to tell them that Kate's picking you up.

You: Hey bois, Kate is here and is going to pick us up. Let's go get dinner before we go to the gaming house.

Team: Alright. Yes. Okay.

You and your team make your way to the airport entrance and when you got out, a familiar figure stood up next to a Ford transit van.

You: Yo Kate, it's been a long time, good to see you again.

Kate: Welcome back to Korea sir Y/N. Good to see you again too. Your dad called me earlier this week and told me that the team will be staying at the gaming house for the All-stars event.

You: Yes, that is indeed the situation. Can we go to a restaurant to eat before going there?

Kate: Of course sir, where would like to eat?

You: Do you know a place Kate? You can go choose a place for us since we're too tired to debate about that hahahaha.

Kate: No problem sir, just relax and rest while I drive you guys to a place. I'll just tell you if we're there.

You: Thanks a lot Kate.

Kate: You're very much welcome sir.

You and your team just rested while waiting for the drive to a restaurant. After 20 minutes, you arrive to a bbq place as Kate went to park the van.

Kate: We are here sir, this is a bbq place. I figured out that you guys are hungry and are having a jetlag at this moment so I brought you here. This place serves good quality bbq and hotpots.

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