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"So this boyfriend of hers, you don't think that he could be involved in her disappearance?" Emma asks red and Kirra as they clean down the tables at the dinner

"That would mean that he was involved with her at all but he isn't" red says back

"The ass left her in the lurch right after he had found out that they were expecting" Kirra adds angrily, not understanding how someone could do that to another person "he hasn't spoken to her since then"

"Like I said he's-" red starts but is cut off by her car being dropped by the towing truck and she quickly storms over there "hey hey hey Billy. Be careful. You almost shattered my wolf thing Billy. It's good luck"

"I'm sorry ruby but look it's fine" Billy says to the girl with a small smile as he points to the red and clear wolf ornament that was hanging off her mirror

"So what about her family" Emma asks Kirra, now that ruby was doing something else

"Well she has got a step mum and two step sisters that she doesn't talk to, understandable really the three of them are a trio of cows" Kirra says as she thinks about how cruel they are to her friend

"Wait step mum, step sisters and she's a maid..." Henry says with a grin as he looks between the two girls

"Henry not now" Emma says

"Cinderella" Kirra says with a grin "I was thinks that too"

"Guys, there are more important things to worry about right now" Emma scolds them both

"Look I don't know what people are telling you and what you've heard but it's wrong. Everyone is saying that she isnt ready to be a mother but she is really trying. She's taking night classes, trying to better herself and trying to get her life together" Kirra says and then red comes back over to them "can you understand that"

"I think so" Emma says with a knowing smile

"Then maybe you should just stay out of it. She has been through enough already" ruby tells Emma

"I've been through it too ruby and I can help her" Emma says to the girl

"Then try her ex" ruby says and Kirra sends her best friend a disappointed look but understood why she was doing it and then realised it was the right thing to do

"Where can I find him?" Emma asks

"He lives with his dad" ruby and Kirra reply


Kirra and Ruby look up as they hear the bell above the door ring and Emma and Henry both stormed in and made their way over to ruby and Kirra

"Why didn't you tell me she sold the baby?" Emma asks and Kirra's eyebrows furrowed in confusion

"She sold the baby?" Kirra asks, obviously not knowing this part of the story

"Because I didn't think that it was important" ruby says and tried to ignore the glare that the teen next to her was giving her

"Really? Considering that's why she is running away?" Emma says and Kirra was quick to figure out the whole situation. She would be taking the money and the baby and running away

"Look Ashley is our friend and neither of us like the idea of people judging her. The only reason Kirra didn't know was because she knew Kirra would think it was too dangerous and wouldn't let her do it" ruby says

"That's because it is to dangerous" Kirra snaps

Emma noticed the wolf ornament on the bench that used to be in Ruby's car and then notices that Ruby's car is gone

"Ruby where is your car" Emma asks

"Well I think that the answer to that is pretty obvious" Kirra responds and ruby doesn't say anything

Emma let's out a scoff "you didn't send me to Sean to find her you sent me there to give her a head start" Emma says

"Look im only trying to help her" ruby says

"Yes so am i" Emma responds harshly "Ashley is in more trouble than you know ruby. Where is she? Don't make her deal with gold without me"

Ruby looks down at Henry and then says "I can't talk in front of him. He is the mayors kid"

"Hey im on your side" Henry says to her but Emma understands where ruby is coming from so she sends him outside to wait for her

"She left town. Said she was going to try Boston, thought she could disappear there" ruby says and Kirra rolls her eyes

"Yeah disappear because someone will kidnap her" Kirra says with a scoff

"How long ago did she leave?" Emma asks

"About half an hour" ruby replied and then Emma walks out to go try and find her

Adira let out a soft sigh of content as she felt his fingers slowly run up and down her bare back. Her head was on his bare chest and a smile made its way onto her face as she listened to his heartbeat

"We have to get up soon. I would be surprised if we go down there and none of the boys are injured besides someone could walk in" she mutters out to him softly and danced her fingers along his naked side

"They can look after themselves besides they all know they aren't allowed up here" Peter tells her "I just want to lay here with you for a while, I'm always busy and I want to take a day off and spend it with you"

Adiras heart fluttered in her chest at his words "well why don't we go do something, go for a walk or something, maybe a swim"  she says and then rolls onto his stomach and looks him in the eyes. His arms wrap around her waist and he leans forward to place a soft kiss on her lips but then the kiss gets more rough and he flipped her over so she was underneath him. His lips left hers and he started kissing her neck and then trailing down her stomach

He gets lower and lower but she stops him "we have to get up" she mutters out, completely flustered but she tried not to show it, he was the only one who could make her flustered just like she was the only one that could make him flustered

"Come on, another round" he whines and goes to kiss her again but she smirks and rolls out from under him

"Nope" she grins and then reaches down to grab her clothes, peters eyes never leaving her figure as he took in all he curves and freckles, all the scars and cuts. He swore that there was nothing more beautiful in any of the realms than the girl in front of him

He sat up in the bed and leaned against the wall and rested his hands behind his head "I don't want to get up. I'd much rather sit here watching you get changed all day" he said with a smirk and she rolled her eyes with a grin before reaching down to pick up the boys clothes and then he threw them at him

"Get changed. We're going for a walk" she demands and then finished getting ready then jumps down out of the tree house

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