"Remus you and your Crap I swear-" Part 14 (Part 1)

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Got the idea from @AnotherPlayer10 so thank you uwu

(It's got slight cussing so beware 0.0)

You sat up just as your alarm went off, scaring the actual crap out off you. You sighed and pressed the off button, but the alarm continued to blare. You continued to poke the button to the point your finger started to hurt. Now annoyed, you unpluged the stupid box, thinking that would stop it. It didn't. "Motherfricker-" You yelled under your breath, throwing the alarm clock.


You looked over to your right to see Remus standing with his signature mace, getting scared you for the second time. You yelped and fell out the bed, hitting your head on the dresser. "I swear to god Remus, I am going to SMACK you so hard even Thomas will feel it." You ranted with a sigh. Remus smirked, "So.... Wanna go cause chaos?", he asked you. You gave slight, mischevious smile and said...




"Why the hell not..?"

You went about your day like normal; Playing with Patton, reading with Logan, Drawing with Virgie, and Singing Disney songs with Roman. Midnight came quicker than you imagined as you waited outside for Remus to hurry up. You sighed as he finally came out of his room, swinging his mace around as if it was a baseball bat, nearly hitting you. "Watch where you're throwing that thing-", "Yeah Yeah sorry." , "Ready?", He nodded, he seemed excited with kinda scared you, you never know what Remus is planning half the time. "What are we gonna do anyways..?" You asked, hoping to get a somewhat normal awnser out of him, then again this is Remus we're talking about, and he's anything BUT normal. "I was thinking we could get coffee first, sence I know your into that.", You smiled slightly when you heard coffee. "I'm guessing you brought-","Deodorant? Yep!" He said, cutting you off. You smiled as both of you started walking to the nearest coffee shop.

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