IX. Underwater Games

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     THINGS WERE tense at Hogwarts.
There was no other way to describe it, except that a strange energy was buzzing in the air. It was like the calm before the storm. Things appeared alright at first glance, but I knew that at any moment the other shoe would drop.

Ever since the Yule Ball, Hermione and Ron avoided any form of interactions without Harry or I present. As a result, Hermione and I spent the better of our time together while the boys were off doing Merlin knows what. The whole thing was a bit absurd, but situations like this seemed to be a common occurrence this year.

Then there was Cedric.

Cedric was sweet and uncomplicated, exactly what I needed. After leaving the ball early I lied and said I had suddenly felt ill; he was so understanding. Cedric liked walking me to a few of my classes, insisted on carrying my books, and would regularly meet me for lunch or to study. The two of us had everything a healthy relationship needed, so why did I possess doubts? In the beginning of the school year, I was so sure of my feelings... but now?

Now everything felt scattered.

And the culprit for that was Malfoy.

That stupid boy haunted my thoughts, no matter how hard I tried to expel him. It was honestly a relief when Snape re-assigned seats in Potions, because then I did not have to face him after our fight in the library.

Or what I saw at the Yule Ball.

Christmas was almost two months ago and we had barely exchanged a single word to each other. He reverted back to his usual self, and we went back to hating each other. Things were much simpler that way.

"Where're you off to in such a hurry, Blakes?"

Continuing down the courtyard corridor, I instantly recognized the icy voice. Did I really just jinx myself by thinking of him?

"Malfoy. What do you want?" I curtly replied, not in the mood for his insults.

"That's not very friendly," he chuckled.

"I don't have time for this, I'm late to-" He stepped in front of me, blocking the path. "Excuse me," I gritted through my teeth.

"What was that?" he mocked, cupping a hand to his ear as he inched closer. "Couldn't quite hear you."

I took instinctive steps backwards and did not answer, looking around for any stray teachers or students that could intervene. The corridor was empty.

"You seem awfully flustered. Cat got your tongue?" He wore an ignorant smirk that made my blood boil. After weeks and weeks of ignoring me, he decided it was a good idea to practically corner me while I'm by myself?

"Just leave me alone."

"Why? Scared, Blakes?"

"You wish," I raised my chin to appear unbothered.

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