Stars, Hearts, and Dicks

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The small stars, hearts, and the occasional dicks that would cover Iwaizumi's stomach and chest made his day. Although he would never admit it he loved the fact that there was someone out there just for him. But sometimes sucked when he found himself staring at his best friend Oikawa knowing that they weren't meant to be. He felt guilty to be honest. Knowing there is someone who is probably out there waiting for him but he couldn't help falling in love with the cocky bastard that was Tooru Oikawa.

It was 3 A.M when Iwaizumi was awoken by his skin tingling, he looked down to see the outline of a dick being drawn on his lower abdomen. He rolled his eyes, grabbing a pen. Hey, asshole. Some people are trying to sleep. Stop. He wrote just under the newest illustration. He then layed back down and fell asleep once more.


Tooru Oikawa laughed at the response to his latest drawing. He knew it was only a matter of time before his soulmate, whoever that may be, got fed up with his illustrations and would finally say something about them. But he was an asshole so he didn't care and just kept drawing. He drew a couple of stars and hearts before capping his pen and layed down. He tried not to think about anything as he should have probably gone to sleep because he had practice tomorrow. It took him a bit longer than he wanted but he was finally able to sleep.

The next morning Oikawa woke up and got ready for school. He got to school and headed to the gym for morning practice. "Iwa-chan!" He yelled, jumping onto Iwaizumi's back, throwing him off balance. Iwa simply threw him off mumbling insults like calling him 'shittykawa'.

Oikawa set some spikes for him before they headed off to class. "So Iwa-chan" Oikawa started on their way to class, "you excited for the practice match with Karasuno?" They had arranged for a practice match against Karasuno later that day. Iwa shrugged. "Meh, I'm excited to play but I was kept up last night." He responded.

"What kept you up?" Oikawa curiously asked, jumping in front of Iwaizumi just to him. "My soulmate is an asshole." Iwa responded, jumping back in front of Oikawa. "Haha" he teased "my soulmate probably hates me." He chuckled. Iwa simply rolled his eyes. "Why no response? You jealous~" He teased. "Pfft, I would never be jealous of you shittykawa." Iwa responded, rolling his eyes once more.

He lied. He was a bit jealous. Hearing him talk about his soulmate pissed him off. They parted ways when they arrived at Oikawa's class, Iwa walking along ahead. All class all I was was able to think about was Oikawa.


It was time for their match against Karasuno. The boys were getting changed into the locker room, Iwa escaping to the bathroom embarrassed by the scribbles all over his chest. After examining Oikawa's chest Kindaichi asked him, "What's up with all that?" nodding towards the stars that covered him. Oikawa looked down then laughed, "Oh this? I'm an asshole and like pissing off my soulmate." Kindaichi shook his head laughing silently to himself. Oikawa looked around, "Where'd Iwa-chan go?" After everyone observed that he was gone everyone shrugged, "Bathroom?" They all shook it off and finished changing.

They all met back on the court and began warming up. (I will not be writing the match because I struggle with writing any sort of action scene like this) The match was a close one lasting 3 sets. But in the end, Karasuno pulled ahead. Despite suffering a loss Oikawa was still just as cocky, saying stuff like 'we'll beat those bastards next time' and silently insulting Kageyama. They talked about the match for a little while on their way out of the building. "Wanna go get milk bread?" Oikawa asked as they passed by a store. "Nah, I'm gonna go home and study." Iwa responded. "Iwa-chan!! You're no fun!!" He complained. "Shut up shittykawa." He complained. They walked for a bit more before arriving at Oikawa's house. Iwa didn't live far so he just walked the rest of the way alone.

Oikawa entered his house kicking off his shoes and running upstairs to his room. He reviewed how he could improve his volleyball tactics and beat Karasuno next time. After a while of planning, he grabbed a pen. He pulled up his shirt and wrote something. Is it bad to like someone else even though you have a soulmate? He expected to have to wait a while but, a few seconds later his skin began to tingle. He looked down at what was being written. No, we don't control emotions like love, it just happens. The writing was neat and he liked it. He smiled at the response. Sounds like it's coming from experience. He replied drawing a star next to his writing. Shut up. That was the only response he got after that.

Their conversation definitely helped his guilt. He thought about how Iwa would react to his feelings for him. He probably would shut him out or ignore them completely. He wanted to stop his worrying so he began to draw a volleyball on his ankle. He then began to wonder why no one actually communicated with their soulmates even though they had the opportunity. He just ignored the thought though. He didn't want a soulmate. He wanted Iwa. 

A/N: Hello! Welcome to the first chapter! If you are reading this thank you! I will try to update every Tuesday but I might get behind schedule..I will try to make the next chapters longer but this is just and introduction! Leave a comment with criticism or any questions or even telling me what you think! I love comments good or bad, they give me so much motivation. Well anyways hope you enjoyed! Bye!

P.S. Incase you didn't notice stuff in italics is stuff they write.

(990 words total)

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