Would You Mind?

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A couple of weeks had passed by now and both boys were still convinced that they were wrong for each other. When Oikawa would stupidly flirt with Iwa, he would get reminded that flirting was as far as their relationship would go. It had been a rough couple of weeks but the pain was muffled by the everyday conversations with their soulmates, the ones they were actually meant to be with. They would talk about random things like how annoying the others were and occasionally world domination, but they put no effort into actually getting to know each other. Probably still because of the guilt and feeling they had for another but they were both in the same boat so no one pushed anything.

Iwaizumi and Oikawa walked down the sidewalk as they did every day. "Iwa-chan, have you made any progress with your soulmate? You've been talking recently right?" Even though the subject of soulmates was hard for Oikawa he still wanted to support his best friend. Iwaizumi cleared his throat before speaking, "Why so curious Crappykawa." Oikawa rolled his eyes before he got a real response. "Yeah, we've talked a bit. Nothing serious though." Oikawa nodded to his response.

"What about you?" Iwa questioned. Oikawa thought for a second before responding. "Nah, we haven't really talked that much." He lied. He hated lying to him but he still felt guilty so he decided to pretend like nothing happened. He believed that was better in some way.

The rest of the walk was the usual of Oikawa's cocky flirting and Iwaizumi throwing his lame insults.


They arrived at school heading to the gym for morning practice. It had become a habit for Iwaizumi to change in the bathroom, at this point he wasn't even that embarrassed but he didn't want Oikawa to see him being close to another, even though him and his soulmate weren't even close. No one looked for Iwa anymore and were used to him disappearing, or so it seemed. But Iwaizumi always disappearing while they were getting changed hurt Oikawa. It made him feel like Iwa didn't want to let Oikawa into what was happening in his life, like he wanted to shut him out or something. Oikawa tried to push it over saying he was overthinking, which he probably was.

After getting ready they practiced for a bit, hoping to beat Karasuno next time. Practice ended quickly and they headed off to class. They talked about volleyball on the way as they couldn't think of anything else to talk about. When Iwaizumi would see Oikawa smile and make his stupid expressions, braggin about how amazing he was it reminded him how much he loved him. They parted ways when Oikawa arrived at class, Iwaizumi walked ahead to his first period. His class was only the next one over so that made things easy. He sat at his desk, his teacher talking about math and stuff which was a subject Iwaizumi was relatively good at but that didn't mean he liked it at all. He zoned out for a bit thinking about Oikawa and how much he wanted for him to be his soulmate so he could just date him. He felt the guilt arise inside him as it had done almost everyday when he realized that he still had a soulmate and he was over here fantasizing about dating someone other than that person.

He thought for a moment, probably deciding if it was a good idea for him to ask what he was going to ask his soulmate. Finally giving in he excused himself to the bathroom, taking his pen with him. When he got to the bathroom he lifted up his shirt and pulled out his pen, holding it to his lower abdomen reluctantly sketching out the words, Would you mind if I were to date someone else?


Oikawa sat in class bored since he was ahead of everyone in class. He already knew the current subject and had finished his work so he drew on the corner of his paper. He didn't even know what he was drawing, he just drew when he felt a familiar tingling sensation towards his hip. He lifted his shirt up a little to the point where he could see the words that were being formed. Would you mind if I were to date someone else? The writing was sloppier than usual and Oikawa was confused by the question. He wouldn't mind as he also wanted to date someone else but it was a very bold thing to ask. He grabbed the pen and began to write out a response. No, I would not mind. He wrote in small letters on the part of his skin that was showing. He thought before writing the next part. Would you mind if I also dated someone else? Once satisfied with the words now printed on his skin he put the cap on the pen and awaited a response.

He wanted to date Iwa even though he had a soulmate. He didn't really care at this point now that his soulmate wanted to date someone else because he could not bear the idea of not being benign around Iwaizumi. He knew that soulmates were supposed to have a bond like no other and it was supposed to be almost unbreakable but he felt that way about Iwa.

After a bit he felt new lettering forming on his skin. He looked down under their previous conversation which revealed the words, Thank you, and of course. He felt relieved because he now was able to go out with Iwa if he wanted to, which he did. Then it hit him. How was he going to ask him out?? He didn't think Iwa liked him like he did and he had been asked out many times before but he had never asked anyone else out. Sure he knew how he could like a letter or he could just go straight up to him and ask but was he really willing to do that? His heart started to race thinking about it. What if he would think he was weird for asking and shut him out? He pushed away those thoughts. He would just try to find a way to see if he likes him, maybe send in someone to find out for him. Well it didn't really matter at this moment anyways. Now all that mattered is that that heavy guilt that weighed him down had been lifted. It was okay to like someone else. 

I did it!! I almost didn't get this chapter out today but I'm glad I stuck to my schedule. What did you think fo this chapter? I kinda enjoyed writing it but I really want your guys opinions please. It helps give me motivation to write more future chapters, or it gives me ideas on how I could improve. Please, please let me know. It helps a lot. Well anyways, thank you fro reading!!

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