Practice Matches, Insults, and Advice

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A couple of weeks passed, and both boys were still a bit uncertain. It was a long few weeks, filled with thought and so both boys were silent most of the time but it was a comfortable silence since both were thinking.

It was now Wednesday afternoon and both boys walked home together, still lost in thought. Oikawa stared down at his feet. Should I follow the advice of my soulmate and just go for it? His mind twisted, trying to figure out if he would go for it, how he would do it? He could just invite him over and ask him, but that's boring. (HDIWHDO WHEN I WROTE THIS LINE THE SONG I WAS LISTENING TO SAID 'BUT THAT'S BORING TO DO') Flowers and a note? Nah. He couldn't think of anything that Iwa might like, he knew him as a friend but not him as a romantic interest.

"Hey, Iwa-chan?" Oikawa spoke nervously, afraid he would give himself away with his next question. Iwaizumi looked up, mumbling a small 'hmm?' "What is the best way to ask someone out?" Iwa stopped walking giving Oikawa a confused look. At Iwa's reaction, Oikawa blurted, "Just asking for a friend." Oikawa was nervous and Iwa could tell.

Who does Oikawa plan to ask out? Iwaizumi thought, panicking, hoping that it was actually for a friend and Oikawa wasn't out seeking a lover. "Well, I think the first step would be to just go for it I guess. Be honest and upfront and hopefully it will go well. I don't really think there is necessarily a right way." He finished speaking. Oikawa looked as though he took all this advice to heart. Maybe hearing the same advice twice would make him go for it. "Okay, thanks. I'll make sure to relay that advice to them."

The rest of the walk was silent again but it was their new normal so they didn't mind all too much. When Oikawa arrived at his house he was excited, even though Iwa never gave him the advice he wanted, the words that he spoke gave him a strange sense of confidence. He pulled out a pen and dragged it across his stomach. He wrote out a sentence excitedly. I think I'm gonna go for it! As usual, he received an instant reply. That's great! I wish I had your confidence.

After reading the last sentence written, he opened the pen once more and wrote, Just go for it!


Iwaizumi looked at the words that drifted over his skin. Just go for it! He laughed a bit at receiving the same advice he had given to him. Maybe I will. And with that, the soulmates conversation had ended.

It was a short conversation but both boys enjoyed bonding over crushing on others, it was a weird thing for soulmates to do but they didn't care. They too were weird so this was normal. Both boys went to bed earlier than usual, which for Oikawa was still late. But since tomorrow they had a practice match, they figured sleep was important.


It was now Thursday, a day that Oikawa had waited for for a while. The day he would finally have a rematch with Karasuno. He wanted to beat Kageyama, really bad. It was kinda scary actually. This match was at Karasuno so after school they headed straight over there. The coach greeted one another and then it started.

(As I said before I cannot, to save my life, write action so sorry, I won't be writing the match.) It was a long match, 3 sets, each on carrying on into a deuce. But in the end, Aoba Johsai came out on top. It was a nice feeling, seeing the look on little Tobio's face as they scored the final point. It was a dark one, but it was nice. They took the practice match very seriously. Oikawa ran over to Iwa. "You beat him." Iwaizumi spoke with a small smile on his face. "No, we beat him." Oikawa spoke trying to sound cool. Iwaizumi scrunched his nose. "Are you trying to be cool again?" Iwa looked at him with a slight glare, knowing that he was right. "Stop being so mean Iwa-chan~ I was cool!" Iwa just rolled his eyes.

Later that night Iwaizumi sat on his bed, staring blankly at the T.V. in front of him. He then felt a familiar tingling sensation on his upper thigh. He looked down at the exposed skin. He read the words form, Kageyama Tobio is trash. 

Yay! I got the chapter out! Thank you to all my readers, I love you all!! This chapter is shorter than usual but this is where I wanted to leave it so this is where I left it. Will either of the boys confess? With Iwaizumi figure out that Oikawa is his soulmate? Find out next episode of Naruto Shippuden. (I have no idea what I am doing)

Tell me what you thought!

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