Prank calling Emmett

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I woke up to someone bouncing excitedly on my bed. "URGH. Go away I'm tired." The voice I dreaded spoke. "Come on Bella let's go shopping!" It was Alice's whiny voice. "NO Alice I'm tired" I moaned

"Okay but you better be up soon," She said. I slumped back onto the bed. I slipped quickly back into a deep sleep. But not even 10 minutes later music blasted downstairs. I groaned and got out of bed.

And as I walked downstairs there was Alice playing full blast Flo-Rida. "ALICE FOR GOD SAKE US HUMANS NEED TO SLEEP" I shouted, it was a good thing Charlie had gone to work early.

"Aww Bella, your awake, finally, go get changed and we will go back to my house!" She enthusiastically said. I trudged up the stairs and took a cold shower and walked into my room. On the bed was an outfit with a yellow post-it note. It read:


You better wear what I have laid out for you!

You don't know how long it took to get your size and your colour

So please wear it, i bought it especially for you, wear it for me :)

Love you,

Alice x

Great, I looked down to see what she had for me. It was a light blue tank top, dark blue skinny jeans and silver pumps. It wasn't that bad. I put it on and went to the bathroom, to do my hair, and brush my teeth. On the mirror there was a note, in what I think is Edward's neat handwriting:


I am really sorry but I have gone hunting with the others I should be back tonight.

Alice has stayed behind to look after you. Have fun

All my love


I read and re-read it. It was beautiful, but he had gone to hunt, meaning I had the whole day with Alice, a shop-a-holic. Great. Oh well, some quality time with my soon to be sister, must be a good thing. "BELLA, COME ON WE NEED TO GET GOING!" Alice screamed.

"Okay I'm coming!" I screamed back. I made my way down stairs. I was curious of what we would be doing today. "Alice, what are we doing today?"

"Umm, well the shopping mall I want to go to isn't open for another 20 minutes so, let's umm…" She had a blank look on her face, she was having a vision. "Oh Bella that is a great idea, let's prank call someone" She exclaimed.

"Okay, how about we prank call, Emmett?" I suggested.

"That is brilliant, get your mobile, I don't think Emmett has your number!" Alice shrieked. I looked at her. "Calm down, Alice," I said

"IM sorry I'm sorry this is just soo FUN I can't wait. NOW GO GET YOUR PHONE!!" She shouted. I ran to grab my mobile, only tripping twice, which for me is quite the achievement. I shoved it in Alice's hand. She quickly dialled Emmett's number. "Okay" she whispered "Shut up" she warned.

[A/N: italics= Bella and Alice Bold= Emmett]




Hello this is…

Bella POV

Toys 'R' us I let out a quiet giggle. "Shut up! He will hear us" Alice whisper yelled

Toys 'R' Us? What do you want? Is the thing in stock? What thing, whatever it was he seems pretty excited about it. I had giggling fits, so I let Alice take over.

EEEEMMMMEEETTT!! (Twilight Humour)Where stories live. Discover now