Chapter 17

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To my dismay I began dreaming almost as soon as my eyes blinked shut. Dreams for me now were not as they used to be before all of this nonsense with the soul snatching cowboy started. When I dreamed now it was as though I was in another version of the world - I was fully aware that a part of me was sleeping although the rest of me seemed to be fully conscious.  

This particular dream took place beside what appeared to be the banks of a waterfall. I had hiked down a long and winding trail to find a magical watering hole at the bottom of it; the water so clear the only disturbance was the rhythmic resonance from the large waterfall that beat down heavily in the background. I sat on the riverbank staring into the water as a warm breeze suddenly picked up; leaves fell gently from the trees above and caught my eye as they swirled and danced in the wind. I watched as they hopped across the water to the other side of the bank where out from the trees stepped a young man. I couldn't see his face as it was blocked by the sun, I held my hand up to shield out the light trying to get a better look but it seemed to only get brighter. I waved to get his attention but he didn't move or wave back. 

I called out to him hoping he could hear me over the roar of the waterfall. 'Hello! Can you see me? Are you lost?' 

Suddenly Thimble flew down through the canopy and landed on the ground below me. He looked up at me and then over to the other side of the bank at the mystery stranger before flying off in his direction. I rose to my feet quickly as I was scared for Thimble. No sooner had I steadied myself Thimble returned and flew right past me; the air from his wings hitting my face and bringing with it a whisper from across the water. 'Get out of here, you have to run Evie. Don't make me come over, you have to leave, trust your instincts.' 

I started to yell across the water as he turned and walked back behind the trees. 'Marius? I know it's you, why are you hiding your face?' 

The voice whispered back, this time growing louder as it hissed across the water. 'Get out of here, can't you feel it? Can't you feel anything, don't you know? Ask them Evie, and then leave. Please don't make me come over.' 

'Come over? Where? Somewhere in Serenis? Where do I have to go - home?' 

A loud rustle came from the trees behind me and I could hear Thimble's chirping followed by Ben's voice frantically calling louder and louder. 'Evie! Evie! Where are you?' 

As he got closer I ran toward the water and began running into it as fast as I could before it got too deep and I started to swim.  

Ben reached the banks and called out once more, 'Evie, get out of there!' 

I called back over my shoulder as I struggled to doggy paddle across. 'No! I have to see who it is! Stay there, I have to see!' 

As I paddled harder and harder a strong current picked up and began dragging me closer to the waterfall. I fought against it but the more I pushed, the stronger it pulled until eventually my arms gave up the fight and my body went limp drifting at the mercy of the current. Ben was screaming from the banks as he began to wade in but his cries were muffled as my head was pushed under the water. My body began to fall deeper into the water which seemed to be getting colder the further I sank. I didn't struggle for breath, I just calmly drifted until the light from the sun had faded and all I could see was blue. My body hit the bottom of the sandy floor with a soft thud, as I felt my back touch the ground my eyes shot open and I sat up with a jolt.  

I was now awake and gasping for air as though I had really been drowning. My clothes were drenched and Ben's muffled cries were crystal clear and echoing through my ears. I opened my eyes to see him holding me by the shoulders shaking me.  

I pushed him away with as much strength as I could manage. 'Ben stop, what are you doing?' 

'You weren't breathing Evie! I came in to find you drenched and gasping for air, your face was blue. What happened? What did Thane say?'  

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