Chapter 24

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I woke the next morning to the sound of Thimble chirping happily; he was picking at some fruit that had been left on the bedside table. I rolled over and smiled at him, well aware that if Thimble was here it meant Josh was too. There was a folded note on the pillow next to me, the pillow where Ben had slept all night. I quickly grabbed the paper, my head giddy from the thought of what was written on it. I began reading, a silly grin immediately smearing over my face.  

'Morning Eves. You looked so peaceful this morning I didn't want to wake you. I have left to go to early morning training and have spoken to Rochelle and she agreed to give you the day off, so the day is yours, Beautiful. Meet me at the training grounds this afternoon and I'll walk home with you. Can't wait to see you. You slept so well last night with me there. I think we had better start making this a habit :)  

Love, Ben xo' 

I reread the note and giggled to myself, could this boy be any more perfect? I sat up and took a final morning stretch as Josh walked in the door with a plate of bacon and a cup of coffee. I quickly shoved the note into my pillowcase then looked at Thimble, hoping he wouldn't say anything. He was too busy picking at a grape to even notice, so I was pretty sure I was safe. 

Josh put the coffee on the bedside table, splashing it as he stumbled. 'Hey Eves! You look awesome. Ben said you slept well last night.' 

I looked up at him with a stunned look, did Josh know?  

He sat down on the side of the bed and shoved some bacon in his mouth. 'You know, no bad dreams. He said he didn't feel a thing, so you must be finally settling in then.' 

I smiled nervously, trying not to blush as I reached over and grabbed the coffee. 'Yeah I slept okay, no bad dreams anyhow. So what are you up to today? Just hanging with Thimble or have you got classes on.' 

'Nah, I've got a history lesson but I think I might skip it. I have to go back to real school tomorrow if my morph is complete, so I'm going to take today easy. Ben said he wants to see you at the main arena, I think he finishes around five. I might meet you there.' 

'You're not staying?' 

Josh rolled his eyes and flopped back on the bed. 'No, Mom and Ben said I have to give you the day to yourself. I never get to see you anymore, it sucks. I was hoping to take you to the pool today; it's pretty warm outside now.' 

I smiled at Josh, he was such a gorgeous person and if it wasn't for the fact he was in love with me he would make the perfect little brother. 'Well don't forget Imogene's tonight, Josh. I need to learn more on this energy reading stuff.' 

Josh sat up and grinned. 'Absolutely, it's a date! I spoke to her last night and she's totally cool about us coming over. It's just the two of us though... you and me? She has a small place so Ben can't come.' 

'Yes, it's just you and me. I haven't told Ben we're going yet but I'll let him know after dinner.' 

Josh jumped up and grabbed the now empty bacon plate and held his hand out for me. 'Sweet! Okay come on, you get ready and enjoy your day. I'll see you at the training ground. Hopefully we'll get there early enough to see Jay-Ry whoop Ben a few times.' 

He pulled me out of bed and cheekily pecked me on the cheek before skipping out the door. I looked down at Thimble who was staring back up at me, blinking his little eyes. 'So are you going or staying little man? I'm fine on my own if you want to go with Josh.' Thimble flew up and sat on my shoulder, fluttering my cheek with his wings before flying out the room after Josh.  

I walked into the wardrobe and threw on a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and some sneakers before skipping down the stairs to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and there was a plate with a couple of pancakes on it with a note that read, 'For Evie!! Do not touch, that means YOU Josh!!' 

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