Chapter 25

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As I entered the familiar front door off the main hall I stood on the red carpet runner as Rochelle appeared from a door on the other side of the hall. She was carrying a clipboard and briefly looked up as I began to walk over to her. 'Over though here please Evie.' She pointed to the wall next to the fireplace where I could barely make out a door. She walked over and pushed down on the handle that blended in perfectly with the wall and as she pushed the heavy door forward I realised it was a secret door, made to look like a wall on the outside and started to get nervous as she ushered me through. I stood in a dark passageway and watched the tiny slither of light from the main hall disappear as the heavy door slammed shut. Rochelle brushed past me and flicked a switch, bringing with it a dim light. 

'Follow me.' 

I watched as she moved briskly down the long narrow hall in front, quickly moving into a slow jog as I got left behind. The brick walls on either side were lined with paintings, mostly portraits like you see in art galleries. Along with the serious-faced men and women there would occasionally be a picture of an animal, or a garden. We walked for what felt like ten minutes, the air getting cooler as we reached a staircase and continued down the five or so steps until we reached another large door at the end resembling a safe. 

Rochelle pulled out her keys, opening three locks which were in a triangle shape on the front and pushed the door open, using the weight of her body to get it ajar enough for the two of us to get through. I peered my head through, getting slightly concerned to where she had taken me, it was still too dark to see my surroundings and the only thing smelt was the subtle waft of must, kind of like in basements or really old building with damp problems. 

'Stand right here please, I won't be a moment.' 

I stood in the dark, waiting once more as she flicked the lights on, only this time they were rather bright causing me to squint. As my eyes adjusted I looked around the room which seemed to be an entrance hall with a large desk sitting against the far side. I slowly walked over to where Rochelle was leaning against the desk making some notes on the clipboard she had. I stared in amazement as I peered around the room; shelves lined the brick walls, stacked with rolled up parchment papers which had been bound with leather ties. As I moved closer to the desk I looked to the left and saw a room the size or Raven's factory if not larger filled with rows and rows of bookcases, like a library, only these shelves were all a beautiful polished timber and lined with books the same size and width. 

'What is this place? It looks like a library, but...bigger.' 

Rochelle looked over at the books. 'It's the records room. Kind of like a library but all you will find here is Super related material. This is where we keep records of all of the Supers that pass through here, a lot of the Founding Members kept diaries which are also located in here but are kept in the preservation room as the parchment is very delicate. There is also research, journals, medical history and last will and testaments from past supers, pretty much anything we know about our kind will be here.' 

I looked in awe as I stared at the books that I could see through the entrance, aware that there was far more behind the walls that I assumed I would be shown. 'So is that what I'm here for today? A history lesson or something?' 

Rochelle shook her head. 'No, not exactly. Today we are here to create your super file. We have already started to document your powers, well the ones we have observed anyhow but we just need some further information for the more official side of things.' 

'What do you mean official? Do I have to sign a contract or something?' 

Rochelle chuckled. 'No, no, nothing like that. We keep photos and fingerprints on everyone's file, just in case for any reason you are involved with the authorities or need a new birth certificate or what not. Super's live for such a long time that the ones who wish to remain in human society like to come in for fresh birth certificates etcetera so they can maintain their human cover.' 

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