Chapter 21

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I sat anxiously waiting for Rochelle to continue. Truthfully I didn't want to hear if I had any extra powers; being able to kill people and bring them back to life was enough for me, other than burning skin I was concerned as to what else I was going to be able to do. Maybe I would have x-ray vision which I guess wouldn't be too bad, or the ability to fly - that would be cool. Ben put his arm on the back of my chair, startling me out of my daydream. Rochelle had been waiting for me to concentrate and began speaking as soon as I was focused. 

'Supers were designed with one purpose and that was to protect living things. Each Super is connected to the thing they are protecting and their skills are designed to assist with this. For example, Josh is an Anicord and he has been designed to protect animals. Jason and Ryan are both Invincibles, they are the most common of the Supers and have been put here to protect humans. Invincibles have heightened senses, and other than guardians are the fastest of the Supers. Their energy is tuned only to human's which enables them to hear or feel when humans are in trouble and they will respond accordingly. The basic abilities we all share are heightened strength and speed, vision and heightened hearing. Our other asset is the ability to camouflage or become invisible to the human eye. I can't tell you how important this gift is and it is something the two of you will need to work on before you can leave the grounds.' 

I remembered back to the day of the explosion. 'So that's how Imogene stood in front of all those emergency workers that day, on the highway, without being seen? She was invisible?' 

Rochelle nodded. 'Yes. Being invisible is a choice we make. It's something that will become second nature to you when you come into your powers fully.' 

Ben leaned forward, taking a keen interest in this subject. 'Hang on, what do you mean when we "come into our powers"? I thought we already had them.' 

Rochelle sat back; she seemed pleased that she'd managed to bring Ben's interest around. 'Well, when a Super is granted their powers it's not always that you immediately recognise them and are able to use them. Powers generally come into effect when a Super has a call to use them. You could have had them with you nearly all your lives but for whatever reason you have been called to action now, activating your powers.' 

I thought about what she'd said and wondered what exactly had triggered my powers to be set off. The obvious conclusion to draw was that it happened because of all of the recent deaths in the town. I guessed I'd never really know and I supposed that in the long run it didn't matter. I was who I was and I was beginning to think there was no way to go back.  

I looked up at Rochelle, trying not to be daunted by the influx of information I was trying to process. 'So what does Imogene do? Other than cause earthquakes...' 

Rochelle chuckled. 'Imogene as you know is a Nature Dweller, that means that her strength comes from nature and although she can't morph into any of the elements, she can summon them to assist her - like the other day when she caused the earthquake. Her ability to speak with trees is especially helpful and she is the Super responsible for obtaining the help and protection of the Pickerys.' 

Ben scoffed. 'The fireflies? We're protected by fireflies?' 

Rochelle nodded. 'The Pickerys appear to humans as fireflies - which I guess they are, although they are far more advanced than bugs that simply glow in the dark. They watch over Serenis and report back any strange occurrences in the forest. They are currently watching to see if Marius or any of his aids return.' 

Ben sat up and began paying closer attention to what Rochelle was saying. 'Return?'  

Rochelle closed her eyes and shook her head, clearly she had not meant to let that information slip. 'Yes, return. Before the explosion the Pickerys reported seeing Sebastian and Carmel around these parts. The Comps have been searching for Serenis for many years and this is the closest they have ever come. The grounds are hidden from the human eye and even Supernaturals can't enter the walls unless Serenis wishes them too but still it was a little too close for comfort and we are preparing ourselves for the possibility of an attack.' 

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