Chapter 23

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After having a long hot bath (which would have been more relaxing if Josh hadn't knocked on the door twice to supposedly check on me), I headed downstairs and dragged Josh off the sofa to help me cook dinner. It was now getting dark and Ben had been gone for longer than he initially expected and part of me was beginning to worry. 

Josh looked over from stirring the spaghetti sauce which he had somehow managed to spill all down his shirt when he was sneaking tastes whilst my back was turned. 'Eves, please stop stressing; Ben will be back soon and I'm sure he's fine. Besides if he gets a bit of a beating it will do him good, he was too cocky this morning.' 

'I really need to know how to tap into this energy thing you guys use all the time; I can't pick up on what anyone is feeling.' 

'You'll get there. You probably won't be able to work on it with Ben around the place, being a Guardian he sucks up most of the energy around him so you don't have to worry about it. People think it's cool having someone there to look out for you but really if you're not on your game 100 per cent of the time it can dull your skills and in the end be your main downfall.' 

I tipped the pasta into boiling water and pressed Josh for more information. He was refreshingly always open and honest with me which was a nice change from the cloak and dagger vibe I got from most of the other Supers here. 'What do you mean by that, dulling my skills I mean?' 

'Just that, as Supers we all have the same ability to sense energy from each other. We can use it as a way to communicate without the need for talking, especially when we are out in the field and sense danger. A Guardian does all of that for you and if you don't keep on top of things and practice listening and feeling for energies you become lazy and your skills suffer from it. Not that you have to worry, as by the way Ben is around you I'm sure you'll never be left on your own much anyhow, let alone find yourself in danger without him being close by. Still I think it might be worth taking a few classes with Jay-Ry or even Imogene and working on your sensory skills. Probably Imogene as she is the best, except for Roe of course.' 

As I watched Josh lift a hot piece of spaghetti mince to his mouth to taste it before spitting it into his hand as it was way too hot, I was in awe of how he could be so mature and knowledgeable one minute then flip right back to the awkward yet overly confident teenager the next. I had known Josh since the day he was born and I had never seen this side of him. Somehow he'd managed the transition from annoying little kid brother into a young sensible man without any of us noticing. 

Just as I was draining the pasta and serving up, Ben stumbled through the door and came into the kitchen flopping onto one of the chairs. He was covered in small cuts and bruises with dirt all over his face. His shorts had been ripped along with his T-shirt which was barely hanging on around his neck. 'You look terrible! Can I get you something to eat, drink, maybe some ice for your eye?' I raced over to the freezer and filled a zip-lock bag up with ice before gently placing it on Ben's eye. 

'Thank you so much. That's great; painful, but great.' 

Josh slammed a plate on the table to get Ben's attention. 'Ah, in case you hadn't noticed, Evie and I spent all afternoon preparing a nice dinner so if you don't mind can you go and wash up. And maybe put something a little more modest on; your chest is showing Ben.' 

Ben glared at Josh as he sat up slowly. 'Are you serious? Josh if I wasn't in so much pain right now I would come over there and shove your dinner down your bat throat. I feel like I went to hell and back and the worst part is I have to do it again tomorrow!' 

Josh put his hands on his hips and I cringed as his attitude taunted Ben. 'I told you it was going to be hard Mr Tough Guy. Didn't I tell him Evie, that he had better be prepared? Besides stop being such a baby, you'll be healed by morning.' 

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