Chapter 41

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It started raining outside but that didn't stop the party going on inside after all we were inside. My friends told me to join them but i wasn't feeling it so I just sat down everyone was up and dancing paired up. I looked across the other side and Geo was laughing and dancing with Ava I smiled and looked away. At this moment, I wanted to go to my room i didn't even want to come from the start cause Geo told me he was inviting Ava so i didn't want to see them together, but Alex forced me to come.

"guys I want to go to my room now" Alex looked at Geo and Ava and looked at me she smiled and nodded.

"I will see you later then" she said.

"But it's raining" Nick said

"I know but I'm gonna get dry when I get to my room"

"Do you want us to go with you?" He asked

"No you guys have fun, please just get my stuff with you guys" I left the flowers, trophies and gift back with them. I didn't remove my tiara so i hugged them and left. I started walking in the rain, then i stopped and just embraced the moment, I felt so peaceful and Just at ease even though I was hurting inside but i couldn't help but smile after I remembered Geo's speech. So I chuckled and started walking.

"You know, queens aren't suppose to walk in the rain at least not without her king" I stopped walking and then turned around to find Geo standing with a black umbrella smiling, one hand holding the umbrella and the other in his pocket.

"What? What are you doing? Stalking me?" I playful said then smiled.

"Yes" he shrugged his shoulders and then he relaxed them.

"What about Ava"

"What about her?"

"You left her alone"

"She's with Alex and Nick"


"You ask Why way too many, you know that?"

"well because I'm concerned of how she would feel to be left at a party full of people she doesn't know when her boyfriend is out chasing, some girl that should be his least concern right now"

"Just stop talking, stop trying to defend other people, stop trying to make an explanation of every situation" He suddenly stopped having a playful expression. And said

"I met this girl who's locker was next to mine, I thought she was really cute even though she had a gothic vibe going on, She was different but in a great way. I fell head over heels for her, something i hadn't felt for a long time, little did i know this was the beginning of messed up complicated shit. I freaked out when I fell in love with her within a week. The more i kept her as a friend, the more i wanted her more than a friend, I drunk and got in fights i got in a car accident because she stopped talking to me all because i was scared to give in to her, I spent thousands on her just to see her beautiful smile again, when she was heart broken or down i sacrificed anything to see her happy, I got jealous countless times that i almost slapped her but this one time I lost control because of what she said and I slapped her, i didn't forgive myself for it, but she told me to stopped thinking about it cause she had hit me and slapped me countless times which wasn't fair. I still think it wasn't s right cause i told her I would never lay a hand on her and yet i did"

"Geo-" I said

"No don't speak, just hear me out, but she said I was only human and did what i had to do. I cheated i hurt her so much to the extended she was completely done with me. But still we somehow found our way to each other, I'm not perfect and she isn't perfect either but what makes it perfect is when we come together"

"Geo, I don't understand, why are you telling me this when you have Ava?"

"Ava isn't the one for me Jade, listen for once i have been hinting this for a while now, everytime you brought her up in our conversations"

"but she's everything"

"But she's not you. You are my everything," he said in a calm cute voice.

" Chloe(Geo uses my first name sometimes when he is dead ass serious and wants me to listen to him), I follow you Like a lost puppy even when you want to be alone, you constantly give me cold shoulder, but i still follow you, the time at the woods you woke up and in a mood and still I followed you, I kissed you even though we shouldn't have but we kissed you didn't push me back, but you would have, You have yelled, slapped me, hit me pretty hard and pushed me countless times but i still follow you, you have said hurtful things at me but I still followed you, if everything I have done for you isn't love then I don't know what Love is"

I started tearing up again and He walked to me and covered me with his umbrella and placed his hand on my cheek. Spoke in a soft voice saying

"Ava and I talked and we agreed to break up, I told her i was in love with you always have" he looked into my eyes his hand moved from my left cheek to my right he slowly rubbed my chin and pulled it up to him, he looked at me, scanning each and every detail on my face the said

"Tell me pretty lies, look me in my face, tell me that you still love me even if it's fake, Just please tell me you feel the same way" I stood there stammering I wanted to tell him how i felt about him but I couldn't he noticed i was trying to and he kissed me. He slowly pressed his lips on mine and i followed his lead. He kissed me gently and passionately, the world felt like it stopped and it was just us in it. the kiss felt so innocent, pure and right. We both stopped and we looked at each other.I chuckled and found my voice after understanding what exactly I felt for him.

"It took you long enough, It's always been you Juwany Roman"he smiled he closed the umbrella put it in down and picked me up and twirled us around. He kissed me gently put me down.

"You are gonna get wet like me" I laughed

"Doesn't matter, it's worth it"  he asked for my hand we he pulled me back to the all

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