Chapter 12: Karma's a bitch, but obviously not bitchier than you.

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I was the first one to reach Connor after that tragic fall. Luke ran over and propped Connor up to a sitting position. "Con, can you hear me?" He gently slapped Connor's face with the back of his hand. "Connor!" I said forcefully. He groaned and flopped his head to the side. "Open your eyes," Vanessa pleaded quietly.

I then noticed a rip in his coat, and then I saw the huge gash in his right arm that was rapidly dripping blood. I grabbed his arm and put it straight so the he wouldn't bleed as much. Doing this, V and Luke also saw the cut. Luke shook Connor more violently. "Dammit can you hear me?! Connor open your eyes!"

As if on cue, one of his eyes popped half way open. "Mmmmm," he moaned. "What hurts?" I asked, aside from the obvious cut. He weakly pointed to his left ankle. "Dammit," Luke muttered again. "We can't exactly bring him to a hospital. We have no car and the roads are a complete mess, they don't want anyone driving," he informed us.

"We can manage him," I said confidently. "We just have to get him inside and wrap up his ankle. It'll be okay for now." Luke and Vanessa looked surprised at my assurance. Hell, I was even surprised at myself.

It took all three of us to bring Connor inside. He was in and out of a daze while we did so. Once we finally got him lying on the couch, Luke scurried off to the bathroom looking for medical supplies to wrap up Connor's ankle and arm with.

I put my hand underneath Connor's head and stroked his hair. He weakly opened his eyes and gently put his arm on my back. "You're going to be okay," I whispered. He nodded then moaned in pain. "Luke!" Vanessa hollered.

He came trotting down the hallway seconds later, carrying several ace bandages, medical tape, gauze, an insta-cold ice pack, peroxide, a pillow and an apple... "Alright buddy," Luke said to Connor. "This right here is going to hurt like a bitch." He put the apple in Connor's mouth. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked him.

Without answering my question, he opened the bottle of peroxide and poured it on Connor's arm. "Ahhhh dammit!" Connor yelled, the apple falling from his mouth. Moving fast, Luke then wrapped the gauze around the sizzling wound, putting a lot of pressure on it.

I placed the apple back in his mouth and held it there when I saw Luke move to Connor's ankle. Without warning, Luke then yanked off Connor's snow boot, the one with the probable broken ankle. While performing this action, Connor's chin lurched up to the ceiling screaming, squeezing the shit out of my hand. He bit the apple so hard the veins on his face were bulging. V had to cover her ears at the sound of his ear-piercing screaming, while I grimaced and bit the inside of my mouth.

"I know dude, I'm sorry," Luke then gently removed his sock. Connor's foot was blue and swollen, while his ankle almost looked black and had enlarged its normal size at least three times. Seeing this, I stood up and made my way to the kitchen, and started rummaging through the medicine cabinet. I found a huge bottle of Extra-Strength Tylenol so I grabbed two and a bottle of water and brought them back to Connor.

He looked grateful as I helped him take the pills since he couldn't do much moving. Luke started wrapping his ankle, ending up using three ace bandages. He then carefully propped up Connor's leg on top of the pillow and placed the ice pack on top.

"Let's let him rest for a bit," Luke told us, cleaning up the mess. He was such a good brother. Just then, ruining the moment, he muttered, "This is what the asshole gets for never listening." Okay then.


I sat beside Connor, reading a book on the floor until he woke up several hours later. Once he started stirring, I closed my book and he moaned then opened his eyes, looking at me. "Hey babe, how are you feeling?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Ugh," he shifted on the couch as gently as he could. "It fucking hurts." I rubbed his knee. "I know, but next time you should get off the damn roof when you're told." He didn't look amused. "Yeah whatever, 'Mom'. I don't need you to tell me what to do either. It's none of your damn business of what I do."

I frowned; startled that he was talking to me this way. "I'm not telling you what to do. I only said to get off the roof because I was worried about you," I said sternly. "Maybe I don't need you worrying about me. Just mind your own business for once."

"Excuse me?" I recoiled. "If it wasn't for Luke, Vanessa and I, you would have probably died out there, being left in the snow like that. If we weren't all out there, and Vanessa wasn't holding the ladder, your fall would have been much more tragic." He snorted. "Please. Stop exaggerating. I don't need you, or anyone else." And with that basically punching me in the face, I stood up angrily. "Shut your fucking mouth. With you acting like this, you don't deserve me or anyone else, never mind need you ungrateful bastard."

I spun on my heels and stormed out of the room. I stomped obnoxiously up the stairs, making V come out of Luke's room, giving me a concerned look. "Are you okay? I thought I heard yelling down there," she wondered aloud.

"Ugh he's such an asshole. You should have heard the way he was talking to me, like he was pissed that we had helped him." Luke then came out, butting into the conversation. "He's probably just embarrassed about the whole thing, ya know? I know I would be. Don't take it too harsh Lil, he'll calm down."

I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to force a smile. Just then, we heard a huge thump downstairs. "Goddamn that boy." Luke pushed past us, running downstairs, V and me following close behind him.

We saw Connor on the floor, unmoving. "What the hell?" He was lying on his stomach, his face being hidden by the floor and his floppy hair. We all helped to gently turn him over and sit up. His eyes were closed, and his mouth was hanging open.

"Connor?!" I shook his shoulders. "What the hell is happening?!" I asked to no one in particular. Then Connor started gagging, and then he threw up all over the floor. His head was flopping back and forth and he was as white as a ghost.

He then startling tumbling backwards from his sitting position; and Luke caught him just before he banged back to the floor. Then V noticed out something very disturbing. She pointed to Connor's puke, which had a bright red tint to it. "Why is there blood in his vomit?" Vanessa wondered. That could only mean one thing..."

To be continued....

Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter, I'm sorry it wasn't too long, but all the suspense was worth it being short haha. So please, leave a comment and don't forget to Vote pretty please!!!! Hopefully I'll be writing more soon! xx

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