Chapter 4

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John sat idle in his office chair, an expression of shock and disbelief etched all over his face. People walked up and about worrying about themselves around him, unaware of how inconceivable John had found the doctor's words.

"What do you mean?" Asked John.

The doctor said, "I'm afraid Ruby had either taken drugs that night or she was drugged."

John sat motionless in his chair, while the rest of the world continued on with their lives.

Someone had drugged Ruby?

Thousands of scenarios emerged in his head. Pointed needles, big men with tattoos, smoke emanating from pipes, fluorescent lights, smoke filled rooms, girls and boys lost in a daze. One of them holding down Ruby as another one, pulled up her sleeve and used a full syringe on her arm.

He shook his head. This was not the time. The notion however manifested in his mind. Elbows resting on his legs, both hands held together, he stared at the floor, lost in thoughts.

For the past two days, John's focus had been completely on Ruby's recovery. He wanted her to get well as soon as possible, be up and about, and return to her normal life. Her health, education, career and in turn her happiness was all at stake, and that was his prime concern.

But now, for the first time, there were other questions bombarding his brain. It seemed to him that until now even he was recovering from her accident. But now, his brain had started working.

He took out his phone and dialed a number. Placing the rectangular device by his ear, he waited.


A tube light flickered restlessly at a corner. Multiple tables manned by men in blue uniforms addressed the crying, pleading citizens seated in front of them. John waited for his turn to come, his leg shaking with unease.

"How can I help you sir?" Asked Kevin. It was finally John's turn. "Do you want some water?" Kevin added.

John shook his head.

"I wanted to talk to you about something," said John without wasting any time. Kevin nodded in encouragement.

"The doctor told me that Ruby was drugged the night of her accident. He found traces of some drug in her system."

"Drugs?" Kevin asked incredulously. John nodded. Kevin mimicked John and asked, "They really found it?"

"Well not in a blood test but the doctor said that she might have been drugged because of all the symptoms her body is showing. I think someone forced drugs into her body. She was probably in danger. She must have been trying to get away from someone and that's probably why the accident occurred."

Though initially very interested, now Kevin's seemed rather unimpressed.

"Sir, Ruby had the accident because an animal jumped in front of her car. It happens very commonly by that road," said Kevin.

"But the drugs!" John said again.

"So she must have been at a party. College kids these days experiment a lot." said Kevin.

"No. Not Ruby," said John.

Kevin did not say anything. John continued.

"I know Ruby. I am a single parent. I raised that kid alone. I know she won't do it on her own. She was too responsible, even more than I am."

John was aghast at Kevin's reaction, his voice rising as he spoke.

"You are a cop. Shouldn't you find out who drugged her and put an end to this? There might be other college kids out there who may be in more danger. Ruby is lying on a hospital bed, in a coma, fighting for her life. College kids are still kids. And one of them drugged my daughter. Do you not understand that she almost died because of this?"

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