Chapter 16

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Sara turned to Lee and continued, "Please do break up with her. Soon if possible. I can't stand your bad acting anymore. We can all get on with our lives, if you two are open about your real feelings."

Sara's words were proving to be true almost in an instant.

Ruby was always missing from their plans. Every time they would call her she would excuse about homework. Sometimes she would say she had to go work and could not skip it. Sometimes she would whine about presentations. Occasionally she would say that she is tired and just wanted to rest at her apartment.

Even if they did some how hang out together, Ruby and Lee would sit together only for a few minutes. One or the other would soon make an excuse and leave the other's company as fast as they could.

A few weeks later, the results of their previous semester exams were out. Laksh was thrilled to be one of the top scorers. She had immediately called her parents and told them the good news. Sara thought that even Laksh's parents had not realized that Laksh was not in school anymore. Lee had also passed all his subjects. He didn't really care about his marks though.

But the highlight of the whole day was Ruby passing Sloan's subject. After all the expulsion- failing fiasco that day in front of the faculty lounge, Ruby had still managed to pass. That was indeed nothing short of a miracle.

To celebrate, Ruby had invited them to the restaurant she worked part time at. Sara had made a face when she saw it from the outside. It was a semi basement restaurant. "That's where criminals go to eat," she commented as Lee, Laksh and Sara herself begrudgingly descended the stairs.

Once inside, Sara found that it was dark, dingy, but crowded. They served greasy food, beer and to her surprise, live performances. Apparently artists who were still struggling would come and perform in front of the crowd just for practice. Just for an experience. The performances ranged from stand up comedy to mere singing. Anyone from the audience could go up and perform. The stage was rather small so she was sure nobody would be dancing, and she wasn't keen on watching them dance having seen the crowd firsthand.

Men and women shared tables and food, and were casually hanging out. Some openly whistled at Sara. Though she couldn't admit it at first, she enjoyed the ambiance and the attention.

The three took a table by the wall, close enough to the stage but far enough, so not to be in the limelight. Ruby joined them though she had to return to work soon. She was wearing an apron, her messy wavy hair up in a bun. She smiled at them and said, "Order whatever you want. It's on me tonight."

After delivering their order of burger, chicken, fries and beer each, Ruby had disappeared again. Laksh ran her fingers through her short hair watching the long haired musician working his fingers on the piano by the corner of the stage. She leaned closer to Sara and asked, "You think he is married?"

Sara smirked and said, "Go find out."

"You never showed this kind of interest in me and I'm a musician too," said Lee as he combed back his hair.

"Isn't the whole college interested in you because you are, like you said and I quote, a musician?" Asked Sara rather annoyed, "Or do you want to date through rest of the group now that you and Ruby have painfully failed?"

Lee just stared at her and said, "I was talking to Laksh. Not you."

"I did initially. But then I got to know you," Laksh said as she jumped off her stool and escaped to the back stage. Lee scowled and Sara smirked.

"Next performer is pretty special to us," said the host as Laksh's potential interest for the night finished his set, "She has been with us for almost two months now. The regulars are pretty familiar with her."

A few among the regulars, Sara assumed, cheered. "The girl with the twinkling eyes, charming smile and a golden heart."

A few audience members clapped and cheered. The host smiled as she said, "You know who I'm talking about. Come on Ruby."

Sara raised her eyebrows and Lee's ears perked up, when Ruby's name was mentioned. Ruby? The Ruby they knew? They wondered.

And they weren't wrong. Ruby walked onto the stage, her guitar in her hand, as she untied her apron which she threw at the host who caught it with a wide smile. She sat on the stool and adjusted the microphone.

"What is she doing?" Lee murmured. "We'll find out soon enough," said Sara.

Ruby looked at the crowd. "Good luck girl!" A man cheered at the back. Ruby smiled. She chuckled and said, "I'm a little nervous. Today has been a pretty unbelievable day for me. Something good happened after a long time. So I thought I'll try and extend my luck for a few more hours."

Then, Ruby started singing. She sang her own rendition of Say (All I need) by One Republic.

When she began, a few who recognised the song, clapped and cheered. But soon, the whole restaurant fell silent. They just listened to her flawless voice bring out a new side to the song. Some eyes filled with tears, a few just stared at her. She sang beautifully, her guitar skills were impeccable. Sara couldn't help but get lost in the song.

Once the song ended, the crowd cheered loudly. Ruby just smiled at the crowd and walked off the stage immediately, but the cheer had continued on for almost a whole minute.

She returned to Sara and Lee, her apron off and with her stuff, after a few minutes.

"You were so good! I didn't know you could sing so well!" Sara exclaimed. Lee stared at Sara. This might have been the first time he had heard her compliment someone. And Sara never complimented anyone until she really believed in it.

Lee said to Ruby as he pointed, "You learned how to play on that guitar?" Ruby nodded.

"On your own?" He asked again.

"Well, YouTube helped me. And I told you, I'm not a beginner. I used to play in highschool. I just lost touch when I got immersed in studies," answered Ruby.

"Right," Lee said and he looked away. Sara noticed how Lee's face had lost its colour. He was annoyed and flustered, obviously.

"She is better than you to be honest," Sara said with a little teasing smile.

Laksh joined them a few seconds later. She flashed them her phone and said, "I got his number," in a sing-song voice. It was then that she had noticed Ruby. "You were so good. You were better than him!" she pointed to Lee as she said. Ruby just smiled.

"So you are not denying it?" Lee asked, staring at Ruby. "What?" Ruby was confused. "That you are better than me?" Lee added, his voice raising.

"Take it like a man, Lee. Just accept that she is better than you," Sara said, taking a swig of her beer. "This beer is going to make me fat," she said examining the bottle, and then continued to take another swig.

Lee was grumpy the whole evening. He was the same the following day too. This continued on for a few weeks. Though Ruby had seemed rather cheerful after that night. Considering the fact that Lee and Ruby spent almost close to zero time with each other, Ruby's behavior seemed well fitting.

Ruby needed Lee at first. To find a way in, and to gel with the group. Now that she had almost completely mixed in well with the other two, she didn't need Lee anymore. The fact that Lee was just an egoistic masochist nut job, must have also helped Ruby take her decision to get rid of him.

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