Chapter 11

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He raised himself on an elbow and put forward his phone. He said, "Having said that, can I have your number?" Laksh oohed loudly and Sara saw Ruby turn, well, ruby.

It was not a surprise that Ruby had immediately become a part of their little exclusive group. She and Lee had set off on their first date the very next day. Ruby was smart, attractive, did not over power Sara and was helpful in keeping Lee and Laksh busy, and out of Sara's hands, though in very different ways. There was no threat and at the same time, she raised the standard of the group. Sara liked her.

All was well, until she would talk about her other 'friends'. Sara still couldn't remember their names and Laksh would constantly remind her that it was Hannah, Mary, Sheila and Maya. Sara would just roll her eyes.

It was a Saturday afternoon and Lee was driving them to the mall. The latest movie of Sara's favorite actor had just been released and it was a given that they'd watch it on the first day. But instead of talking about the gorgeous actor, Ruby decides to talk about her friends, inducing a head ache for Sara. Sara stared outside with a dull expression as Ruby went on in the back seat.

"I should really talk to Maya. I hope they don't think I'm ditching them," Ruby said in the car, trying to escape from the afternoon sun that glared through the car window.

Laksh asked, "What makes you think they'd be upset?"

"Well, last night I heard Hannah talking. I was in the hallway but I could hear them. She doesn't like that I'm not spending more time with them."

"Were you eavesdropping? And are you sure that's why they are upset?" asked Sara, looking outside.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked her.

Sara turned back to Ruby, who was in the back seat and asked, "Which one is 'Maya' again? Is she the one who was desperately trying to get our attention at the party?"

"No. That's Hannah," Ruby replied at once.

Laksh laughed as Ruby's eyes widened. Sara smirked and said, "Admit it girl. Even you know she was being pathetic. If she has such a problem with you making new friends, and let's not forget she was bitching behind your back, I don't think she is your friend at all."

"I think she is jealous that you are with us, and she isn't," Lee said as he sneaked a glance at Ruby through the rearview mirror. Laksh nodded her head in agreement.

That night, after the movie, they hung around the beach. Sara found it difficult to walk in the sand, so she swung her heels in her hand . Ruby and Laksh wore shoes and hence it was easier for them.

"If we had pre planned this, I would have worn slippers. Or carried a spare one," Sara complained as she walked.

The cool breeze from the ocean swept their hair to a side. It was getting colder as the night fell.

"Of course. But walking in sneakers isn't easy either. It's getting in between my socks," Laksh added as she pouted.

"But how good was the movie?" Said Sara returning to her favourite topic at the moment, "You know I had met him last year? The actor? He looks even more handsome in person. But bit of an idiot if you ask me."

Upon hearing no comment from Lee or Ruby, Sara looked behind. The pair were quite far away from them, walking hand in hand, oblivious to the rest of the world.

"Aah young love," Laksh said with a smile.

"How long do you think they'll last?" asked Sara.

"That is a rather puzzling question. Considering its Lee, not that long. Considering its Ruby, they might get married," Laksh laughed at her own wit as Sara shook her head with a smile.

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