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Chan sat at their dining area, waiting for his friend Bambam to follow him. It was Sunday, and they had just returned from taking Mira out for their bonding time. Bambam had joined them because Yugyeom went home to his family, stating he'd get bored alone at their dorm, so Chan allowed him to come along.

After a few more minutes, Bambam left Chan's room and joined his friend in the dining area. It was already 10 PM, and Mira had fallen asleep during their journey home. Bambam had carried her to their room and informed Chan of her slumber.

"Mira is already asleep," Bambam stated as he sat across from Chan.

"Yeah, thank you. Wanna drink?" Chan offered. His friend smiled and nodded, prompting Chan to fetch two cans of beer from the fridge.

Returning to the table, Chan handed a can to Bambam and opened one for himself. As they sipped their beers, Bambam noticed Chan's somber mood.

"What's up? You've been looking down lately," Bambam inquired. He waited for Chan to respond, but the older boy remained silent, lost in his thoughts while sipping his beer.

"Hey, are you okay? I thought you were just tired, but it seems there's something on your mind now," Bambam asked with concern.

It had been a month since Chan asked for Felix's help in taking care of Mira. The scenario repeated several times, as Mira enjoyed spending time with Felix. The bond extended to Jisung, and Mira often requested to stay at the boys' dormitory when Chan went for his internship.

Felix also accompanied them on a family date the previous week. In summary, Chan and Felix spent a significant amount of time together due to Miracle, leading Chan to develop stronger feelings for Felix. This emotional struggle left Chan feeling miserable, a fact that Bambam had noticed in his friend's recent quiet and distant behaviour.

"I like someone, Bam," Chan finally admitted. Bambam looked at him with confusion, but a smile appeared as he realized what Chan had revealed.

"Really? That's great then! You finally moved on after five years of a boring love life," Bambam laughed, taking another sip of his beer. However, when he looked at Chan, who still seemed downcast, curiosity took over.

"Hey, why are you looking down? You should be happy, right? So who's this lucky person you like?" Bambam inquired again, but Chan sighed once more, irritating Bambam.

"Oh my god, Christopher, I'm getting annoyed by your expressions. Why the fuck are you sighing? Just tell me the tea already so we can relate to your worries and sigh together, what the hell," Bambam said, sounding slightly irritated. Chan finally opened up.

"He's a guy. I like a guy," Chan confessed. Bambam looked at his friend strangely and responded sarcastically, "Hmm, yes?" Chan sighed again, further frustrating Bambam. Rolling his eyes, Bambam spoke, "Of course, it's a guy. You're gay, right? Have you forgotten? Five years without a love life made you forget your sexual identity. How is that even possible?"

Bambam laughed, expecting Chan to join in, but his friend continued to sigh. Bambam was perplexed that Chan, who had always been openly gay, was now troubled by the idea of liking a guy. The irony struck him.

"It can't be a guy; I'm struggling. I think I already like him so much. What am I gonna do?" Chan expressed his concern, his face reflecting deep worry as he began to space out. Bambam watched him in confusion, he don't understand a thing Chan was worrying about because clearly, it's all normal for a gay guy.

"Man, you're making me laugh what's wrong with you? You're gay ever since our elementary days everybody knows it. Well, not everybody in the university but your family and friends knows about it. I even helped you to come out with your parents because you were so afraid of your dad but it all went okay and they accepted you wholeheartedly. Your first crush was Jaehyun who lived in the same neighborhood back in Australia, you dated Mingyu when we're in middle school and you flirted with Jungkook before you met that bitch who ditched you after knowing your past relationships with guys regardless of having a child with you. Oh my god my blood is boiling remembering that witchy homophobic shit. Do I have to mention all your flings just for you to remember your sexuality? I literally know all of them 'cause you're a living bitch, just tell me which year and I'll name them." Bambam explained while gesturing his hands, counting every names he mentioned just for Chan to remember everything.

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