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Felix and Chan exited the elevator, with Felix still holding onto his Hyung's wrist as they headed towards the arcade Felix had mentioned earlier.

Upon reaching the arcade, Felix promptly pulled Chan towards the token machine to get what they needed for the games. As Felix paid for the tokens, he shared a tidbit about Seungmin enjoying the place and expressed his hope that they could also have a good time.

"Seungmin likes it here a lot, so I hope we could enjoy our time here too," the younger one said, letting go of Chan's wrist and walking towards the games after securing the tokens. "Which game do you want to try, Hyung?" Felix inquired while walking, but Chan remained silent.

"Which one, Chris-?" Turning around, Felix realised that Chan was not following him; the older man was still standing in front of the token machine, his head lowered.

Felix mentally facepalmed, sensing that something was amiss. He made his way back to Chan, sighing before patting the older man's shoulder. "What happened, Hyung? You good?" he asked. Chan snapped out of his reverie, trying to act nonchalant after embarrassing himself.

"Oh, I'm sorry I-nevermind, let's go," Chan said, resuming their walk. Felix followed him, shooting a glance at Chan. The older man felt it but pretended not to notice, focusing on selecting a game to play.

"Okay, let's play this Street Fighter thing." They stood in front of the arcade machine, and Chan awkwardly waited for Felix to start the game. Tokens were in Chan's pocket, but Felix remained fixated, just staring at him.

"Oh, come on mate, why are you staring?" Chan questioned. Felix glared at him in hopes of making the older intimidated but Chan found it cute. How can he be intimidated by a cute human being? It's impossible.

Everything became increasingly awkward for Chan, why not? Felix was acting like a whiny, cute puffball on his period, making Chan's heart explode. Yet, he still had to act normal and manly to avoid revealing his true feelings. It was a real struggle for Chan.

"What?" Chan awkwardly asked.

"I'm suspicious of you," Felix declared, leaving Chan confused and lost in thought.

"What did I do?" Chan asked again, prompting Felix to give him a serious look.

"Now, tell me what's really the matter? I don't understand you. Are you really fine? You're spacing out just a while ago, Hyung." Felix glared, the worry in his eyes apparent. He was concerned that Chan might be struggling or didn't want him around.

"I'm fine, I swear. You don't have to worry," Chan responded, hoping that Felix would accept that and stop probing. Unfortunately, Felix remained standing there, unconvinced.

"Seriously?" Felix questioned.

Chan nodded. "I swear." He even raised his right hand, signifying the honesty of his statement. Yet, Felix wasn't convinced.

"One hundred per cent sure?" Felix probed further. Chan sighed, scratching the back of his head in disbelief.

"Really, I promise. I'm fine. There's no issue here; we're clear," Chan assured. However, Felix continued to stand there. Chan decided to face the arcade machine to avoid further questions.

"Let's just play. We don't have much time to enjoy; we still have to look for a restaurant later. So we better not waste any second for some random stuf-"

"Then at least smile." Chan got cut off by the younger's now frustrated voice. Obviously, Chan is uncomfortable around him and it's not okay for him, he's feeling guilty and anxious at the same time.

Chan froze, his heart fluttering, mind filled with thoughts and hope, face feeling hot, and his body feeling weak. "Did he... What does that mean?" Chan pondered.

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