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"Shit, Lix, Chan Hyung is coming this way," Jisung whispered, eyeing Felix's back. Felix sat frozen in his seat, not daring to move, feeling his hands starting to shake. He was nervous, afraid he might do something stupid if he saw Chan.

Jisung watched his friend freeze, while Seungmin, sitting beside Felix, looked at their back and saw nothing. After a few seconds, Jisung laughed, "What the fuck! You literally froze." Seungmin also chuckled after realizing that Jisung was just messing around.

Ever since that confession, Felix still hadn't visited Mira because he suddenly felt nervous about the idea of seeing Chan right after realizing his feelings for the older. He felt guilty because Mira kept asking him to visit her every time they talked on the phone, but he just couldn't, not yet. He needed to calm himself first.

Felix told his friends what happened, and since that night, Jisung never stopped teasing him because he was always panicking even at the thought of seeing Chan.

"Jisung, you're not funny," Felix said when he finally had the chance to breathe properly. He wanted to calm himself first before meeting the older, so he wouldn't be obvious.

"If only you'd told him that you like him too, maybe you wouldn't be in this situation now," Felix rolled his eyes. He panicked when Chan told him that he liked him, and that's also the moment he realized that he liked Chan too. So, what did Jisung expect him to do? They even saw how nervous he was when he entered the dorm that night, literally shaking.

"It's funny how you told Chan not to worry and that nothing had to change, but now that you're looking at yourself, you're actually the one messing up and running away from him," Jisung laughed again and made fun of Felix. But after just a few minutes, Jisung leaned closer to Felix and whispered, "Chan Hyung is coming this way." Felix didn't pay attention.

"Shut up," he responded and continued eating. But after a few seconds, someone sat beside him.

"Hey, Lix! How's your day?" Felix slowly faced the man who had just sat next to him, and after seeing him, his heart started to race. He felt nervous again, but luckily, he managed to smile and greet the older, "Hello Channie, Hyung. My day's been pretty cool, how 'bout yours?" he asked back. He was glad he managed not to stutter and still sounded normal.

"Mine's great, I just finished my school requirements. I just have to complete my internship hours, then I'll be good. Just gotta wait for the graduation ceremony." Happiness was clearly seen on the older's face, and of course, that made Felix happy too. The older's smile was so genuine, his dimples were cute, and his eyes were shining. Felix then realized that these features of Chan were also the ones he liked, or maybe that's also the reason why he started liking the older without noticing it.

"An early congratulations to you, Mr. Bang," he responded with a smile.

"That sounds good. Anyway, I actually approached you for this." Chan handed Felix a neatly folded paper then continued, "Mira drew that and she also wrote you a letter. She's asking me to invite you over because the last time you hung out with her was on her birthday, and she misses you a lot." Felix started to feel guilty again. That sweet little girl was missing him already because he was acting like an ass, hiding from Chan.

"Thank you, I'll try to visit this weekend." The older smiled and nodded to Felix. Jisung and Seungmin, who were just watching them, smiled as well. They were happy for Felix, even though he was kind of stupid for not telling the older his feelings too. But they understood because this was his first time experiencing that feeling for a guy.

They all continued their conversation when Chan's phone suddenly rang. He looked, and it was Bambam. He answered his friend with a smile on his face, but when Bambam spoke, Chan's smile faded away, and his reaction changed for the new information he got.

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