Chapter 1

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Thank you for reading my story, I hope you enjoy. This is my first story and I will try to update it as often as I can.


Meghan's POV


     Dad says that every year, but we have never missed the train. "I'M COMING, HOLD ON!" I yelled back, "Draco come on dude, why didn't you pack last night?" He rolled his eyes, "Shut it Meghan." "Jeez" I said under my breath, "someone was up to late." I started to turn around until I felt a shoe hit the back of my head. It thumped against the bun I had my hair in, as I watched the shoe fall to the ground. I slowly turned around gritting my teeth. I slowly bent down and picked up his shoe, I could feel his eyes watching me. Slowly walking over to him I asked "Why the fuck did you throw your shoe at me?" I tried to stay calm. "Because you are being a bitch" he said with a smirk, that I wanted to slap off his face. I probably would have if Mom hadn't walked in. "Now you both know your father is still waiting downstairs. You know how he gets when you make him wait." she said watching us. "Yes mom I'm going." I said throwing Draco's shoe in his hands. He had that smirk on again and it took everything in my power not to turn around and hit him.

     I made my way down the hall with my trunk, as I left mother to talk to Draco about how irresponsible it was to wait till morning to pack. I only heard the beginning of what she was saying as I got to the stairs. I walked down the steps to see that father had an annoyed expression on his face, that he wears way too often. I can't even remember the last time he smiled. As I got to where he was standing, I saw he was tapping his foot and looking at his watch. "Well, where is he?" father asked, clearly talking about Draco. "He will be down in a minute. Mom is talking to him." He rolled his eyes "Does she have to be talking to him right now?" I didn't respond because I had nothing to say to him. I can't wait to leave this hell hole.

     A few minutes later Draco came down the steps with his trunk looking like he was going to throw it. Mom following behind him. What could mom have possibly said to get him that mad? I will just ask him on the train.

     "Now that both of you are on your 4th year to hogwarts, I am sure you know what I will be expecting from you two. No more fighting between you both, we don't want a repeat of last year." He was talking about how Draco and I got in an argument over who would have the last apple, which turned into us having a fist fight in the hallway. Needless to say, neither of us got the apple but we did get suspended for a week. Father was pissed and he made us both sit alone in our own rooms for the whole week. Draco and I weren't allowed to talk to each other the whole time.

     "Your mother and I will be apparating to Hogsmeade. So you two will go to the train station together in a minute." father said as he looked between the two of us and eyeing out mom behind us. "WAIT!" Draco started, this couldn't be good. "If you guys are going to Hogsmeade, and Meghan and I are going to the train station. Why did we have to hurry to get down here!" he looked pissed. "So you would know where we are going." Father said, almost hissing at him. Draco started to open his mouth to say something else, but before he could get anything out, I stomped on his foot. He winced and moved his foot around, trying to stop it from hurting. Looking at me with absolute disgust he mouthed fuck you. I just smiled because getting your foot stomped is much better than getting slapped by Lucius's hand.

     Draco and I stepped back letting Mom go through us to stand beside Dad. "Good bye Meghan, good bye Draco. I love you both, be good." Mom said smiling at us. "Don't be late" father said sternly and with that they both apparated. I looked over at Draco saying "I will do it this time."  He didn't try to argue, he just nodded his head. We walked to the center of the room and I pulled out my wand. Apparating always made me feel sick and dizzy. I felt my feet lift off the floor, and we spun for what felt like forever, until I finally felt my feet hit the ground. I leaned over a little in the parking lot trying not to toss. It didn't effect Draco as much as it did me, so he just stood waiting for me to be ready.

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