Devil's Trap•part 1

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A/n: they didn't have the original one, so I went with this.

Dean once again tried calling John, when Dean looks over at you and Sam. You know that someone had answered, and it definitely wasn't John. "Where is he?" Dean asked, he pauses for a moment before angrily hanging up. "They’ve got Dad." Dean said.

"Meg?" Sam asked, Dean just nods "What’d she say?" Sam asked.

"just told you, Sammy." Dean said, clearly upset "Okay. Okay."

"Dean, we're gonna get him back." You said. Dean ignores your words and takes the Colt, tucking it into the back of his jeans. "Dean, what are you doing?" You asked.

Dean grabs his duffel "We got to go." He said.

"Why?" Sam asked.

Dean slips on his jacket "Because the demon knows we’re in Salvation, all right. It knows we got the Colt. It’s got Dad – it’s probably coming for us next." He said.

"Shit." You murmured.

"Good. We’ve still got three bullets left. Let it come." Sam said

You looked at the younger brother and shook your head, "Sam, no." You said.

"Listen, tough guy, we’re not ready, okay? We don’t know how many of them are out there. Now, we’re no good to anybody dead. We’re leaving.... now!" Dean said, sternly.


You sit in the back of the impala, arms crossed over your chest. " I’m telling you, Dean, we could have taken him." Sam said.

"No, we couldn't. And if we even got a shot at him, you'd just try and kill yourself." You snapped.

"Yeah, and I'll keep doing it till the bastard is dead." Sam growled, glancing back at you.

"Enough, both of you. What we need is a plan. Now, they’re probably keeping Dad alive, we just gotta figure out where. They’re gonna wanna trade him for the gun." Dean said. Sam just shakes his head and Dean glances over at him, "What?" Dean asked.

"Dean, if that were true, why didn’t Meg mention a trade?" Sam asked, "Dad, he might be...." He said getting upset.

"Don't!" Dean exclaimed, before he could finish his sentence.

You shook your head "Don't you dare start thinking like that Samuel." You said.

"Look, I don’t want to believe it any more than you. But if he is, all the more reason to kill this damn thing. We still have the Colt. We can still finish the job." Sam said.

"Screw the damn job!" You shouted, "Your father is in danger Sam, and all you can think about is the job?!"

"Y/n,I’m just trying to do what he would want. He would want us to keep going." Sam said.

"Quit talking about him like he’s dead already. Listen to me, everything stops until we get him back, you understand me? Everything." Dean says angrily.

You kept your glare to the back of Sam's head, he doesn't say anything for a while "So how do we find him?" He finally asked.

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