Devil's trap•part 4-final part-

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"Sam? Why are you splashing water on me?" John groans.

You sigh in relief, and move to the other side of the bed cutting John's hand free. "Dad, are you okay?" Dean asked.

"They’ve been drugging me. Where’s the Colt?" John asked.

"Don’t worry, Dad, it’s safe." Sam said.

Once you cut his arm free, Dean does the other side "Good boys. Good boys." John whispered.

"Not a boy John." You said, light heartedly.

Dean starts helping John up, and you notice he's struggling. You quickly start helping him, you and Dean manage to get him off the bed and towards the door. The front door suddenly bursts open and the man and a fireman come in.

Your eyes widened "Back! Back!" You exclaimed, as you and Dean move back into the room.

Sam quickly slams the door shut, locking it. As he did an Ax suddenly broke the door, you and Dean make your way over to the fire escape while Sam salts the door. First you climb out the window, and then Dean helps John, and after John comes Dean.

"Sam, come on!" Dean shouts.

Sam tosses him the duffel bag and goes through the window out onto the fire escape. You and Dean help John down onto the street while Sam moves ahead of you. Sam is suddenly attacked by a man, most likely a demon. He pins Sam down on the street and starts beating him to death. Dean puts John down and goes to his brother’s aid, you crouch next to John making sure he's okay. You desperately want to go help Sam, but John needed supervision just incase something went wrong.

"Sam!" Dean shouts.

Dean runs over and kicks the man in the face, but it has not effect. Dean is suddenly thrown onto a parked car, shattering the windshild, and the man goes back to beating Sam. You look over at Dean, as he stands up. You watch as he pulls a gun out, once you get a better look you noticed it was the colt. Suddenly there is a gunshot and the man gets a bullet through the head. He falls off of Sam , dead.

Dean puts the colt away, and rushes over to his brother "Is he okay?" You called, worriedly.

"He's fine. Sam, come on." Dean said, helping his brother up.

You then stand up, helping John up as well. You look over at the dead demon, not only was the demon dead. But the man it was possessing was now dead as well, you slowly move over to Dean. Carring all of John's weight "Come in Dean, we gotta get outta here." You said.


Sam is pouring salt along the window sill of the cabin the four of you where hiding in. His face is a mess – bruised, bloody, and swollen. You kept pestering him about letting you clean his wounds, but he's a stubborn bastard and won't let you.

"Damnit Sam, sit the hell down so I can clean your cuts." You said.

"Y/n, I told you I'm fine." Sam said, looking over at you.

"Samuel Winchester, let me clean your cuts or I'm gonna grab you by the damn hair." You said.

"Don't touch my hair." He mumbled.

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