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Trigger warnings; various horrific crimes are mentioned as well as abuse of power and discrimination.


Once upon a time, there were two universes/realms known as Descendants and Once Upon A Time, or OUAT/The Once Verse, for short.

In the first realm, the heroes & sidekicks all banded together and kicked all the villains and henchmen (as well as small-time criminals) to a barren, little island with a magical barrier around it that was visible from the castle.

On the island, there was no magic, CPS (Child protective services), doctors, dentists, or police and Maleficent took it over rather quickly; no one could get in or out without the king's permission and all they got was the heroes' leftovers.

This place was called "The Isle of The Lost.”

Meanwhile, the heroes lived in luxury in The United States Of Auradon under the rule of King Beast and his little beauty, Belle.

They never went hungry, had police to protect them whether they needed it or not, and dentists, social workers, and doctors were in plenty of supply.

Not all was well, However.

Any small crime (like arguing with the poor excuse for a King) could get you booted off to the Isle of the lost without a trial and anyone who tried to help you would get sent there as well unless they were one of the big named Heroes.

Magic was highly discouraged—damn near illegal—and retired; Most people who had magic didn't use it anymore and wouldn't teach their children who had it how to use it because they "didn't need it" and would shut down or ignore of their all complaints about how it wasn't fair that they weren't given the choice to use it.

In fact, most children were taught to suppress their magical abilities because their parents feared that using it would get them in trouble and thus sent to the isle.

Sidekicks were often left forgotten and on the sidelines—to forever be underappreciated and mostly ignored by those around them. Their input on laws and policies were ignored or outright laughed at by the so called heroes and eventually, they all had kids.

These kids were raised to be princesses, princes, warriors/soldiers, and sidekicks; they were raised with love (mostly through servants if they were royalty because their parents don't have time for that or them)—but their parents (for the most part) didn't give a shit about what they wanted to do and be, and they weren't the only ones who did so.

Believe it or not, the villains eventually had kids as well because (safe) abortion and birth control wasn't exactly a thing on the isle.

In this universe, the villains held very little love (if any at all) for their children and raised them in such a manner that many would frown upon.

Some raised their children to be little more than slaves and servants while others raised theirs to be mini mes/their replacements—wanting their children to be just as evil as they were and to get revenge on the heroes responsible for putting them on the hell hole known as The Isle of the lost.

The children had to steal from and fight one another (and even those older than them) for supplies so that they could survive. Most, if not all, hand to steal stuff or work in their parents' sketchy businesses so that their parents wouldn't kick them out on the streets. Lots of children were homeless—some were orphans, others had been kicked out for various things.

Child, animal, and spousal abuse was common on the isle as well as human trafficking, rape, murder, kidnapping, and some (think the witch from Hansel and Gretel) practiced cannibalism (snatching up children under the age of 10 who were left unattended or wandered too close to their homes). Due to the lack of medicine and medical professionals on the isle, many (mainly children and small time criminals) died.

Life on the isle was absolutely horrific and no one from Auradon would even care until sixteen years after the crowned prince was born—but that's a story for another time.

In the other universe—The Once verse if you will—The villains roamed free, minding their own business and causing chaos being stopped by various heroes on occasion.

In this universe, there was always more to the story than the ones we were originally told and eventually, their stories would get told (and some would even get their happy ending in time) but not until after a dark curse was cast by the evil queen that wouldn't be broken until 28 years later by the daughter of Prince Charming and Snow White—The Savior.

Now, there are many different realms similar to both of these realms but in this story, we will be discussing one in particular that is what one would call a blend of the two (the descendants verse and the once verse).

A realm that many refer to as the realm as the realm of Twisted Tales.

In this realm, the descendants were instead born to the villains, henchmen, heroes, and sidekicks of the Once verse in the Enchanted Forest and were actually loved and raised by their parents.

In this world, the heroes actually took on a more hands-on approach in raising their children instead of just having their servants do it for them and raised their children to be their own people—which worked out better for them in the long run—and the sidekicks did the same.

In this realm, even the villains loved their children and would never do anything to harm them (with very few exceptions).

Instead of raising their children to be their slaves/henchmen or Mini mes/replacements/better thems, they raised their children to be their own people and made sure that they knew that they would always be loved whether they chose to be evil or not.

In fact, most of the villains actually wanted their kids to not make the same mistakes that they had and encouraged them to be better people than they were— not necessarily heroes, but good people nonetheless

In this story, we will be focusing on a group of thirteen children known by many names—The Descendants, The New Generation, The Enchanted Forest's Freedom fighters, Misthaven's Descendants, and The Chaotic Thirteen.

In the descendants' realm, these 13 were separated into 3 groups—The Auradon Kids (Aks)/Star Six/Hero Six, The Core four, and The Sea Three—and had many expectations thrust upon them by their parents and society—expectations that their twisted relam's alternate selves did not have to face. Because of this, their lives were arguably much better because of this.

A twist in their tales (being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now