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Izuku Midoriya was a happy little boy, the 4-year-old had the dream to be a hero. It was the only thing that Izuku seemed to think about. His sappy smile and bright eyes always plastered on his face quickly spread to all those he encountered as if contagious. He had always hoped to get a really powerful quirk and follow the steps of the symbol of peace, All Might.

Many kids in his class had already received their quirks, like big red wings and wind manipulation. But his favourite would always be Kacchan's. He can secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from his hands and ignite it on command, or simply put, the ability to create strong explosions.

And today was finally the day that Izuku would finally get a quirk and be able to become a hero with kacchan.

Timeskip: Doctor's Appointment

Izuku happiness leaked through with every laugh, smile and squeal he released while clutching onto his All Might Figurine. His legs swinging back and forth in the quirk doctor's room. The stiff silence between the doctor and Midoriya's unseen by Izuku.

Dr Ujiko cleared his throat, "I'm afraid there is no hope for him. He shows signs of a dormant quirk however there is a high chance that it will never awaken. It is best to label Young Izuku as quirkless". His unkempt moustache hiding the growing sneer on his face as he leaned back into his padded chair.

A stiff silence followed.

The All Might figure hitting the tiled ground broke the trance Inko was in, unable to process what she had just heard. She looked at Izuku, his unseeing eyes and wobbly smile. "Surely there is something you can do. Medication, training anythin-"

"Any attempt to bring forth a quirk through trauma or otherwise and I will report you to the authorities, Mrs Midoriya", he said as he rose out of his chair. He turned towards the door, coat swishing. "Have a good afternoon". With that, he exited the room, door slamming.

The two midoriya's sat on the stiff chair in the quiet room. One crying and one silent. No sound escaped his wobbly simple.

Timeskip: Home

Inko paused as she made her way outside the room. The darkroom echoing the words of the Symbol of Peace's debut video. The otherwise dark room, dimly visible by the eerie light the video emitted. The rain pelting the rooftops of houses casting a glum feeling as if recognising the sad event in both Midoriya's lives.
"Mum...He's such a cool hero...Can I...be a hero, too?"
The sad call of her child brought tears to her eyes. As he swivelled his chair, facing Inko, she burst into tears. The teary eyes, pathetic smile and shaking hand pointed to All Might was enough motivation for her to run to him. The desperate hope on Izuku's face slowly disappeared as his mother cried and cried, grasping onto him as if he would be blown away.
"I'm sorry, Izuku! I'm sorry. I'm sorry"
Her desperate apologies quiver under the force of her cries. Izuku's tears fell free as the realization stepped in and his mother's whimpers echoed in his ears.

The emotionally draining day was enough motivation for the two Midoriya's to go to sleep early, after a quiet dinner of katsudon. Izuku instinctively curled up into his mother's chest, as shivers racked his form. A cold breeze swept through the house, courtesy of the two strangers that lurked in the bedroom shadows.

Neither Izuku nor Inko noticed as the little boy was lifted out of his mother's arms and placed in a black duffel bag. Fluffy, green hair disappearing from sight. The faint click of the door and the immediate quiet growl of a car disappearing into the night almost soundless.


Inko however did notice the empty feeling in her arms and quiet household long after Izuku was gone. Her arms surrounding empty space air, instead of her child. The chill in the house told her something was wrong. Very very wrong. She jolted upright, Izuku wasn't in the bed with her. She stumbled out of bed and ran room to room, searching for her baby, fearing the worst. There were no little giggles or little footsteps echoing in the hallway, no signs of Izuku playing hide and seek. There was no signs that he was in the apartment at all. Empty. The front door smashed against the wall as it was flung open. At the back of Inko's mind, she registered her neighbour's light flickering on as she raced down the stairs and onto the footpath outside, but she didn't slow down.

She burst outside, the night air caressing her face. Her eyes searched everywhere and she shouted and shouted. Nothing. No reply, no Izuku.
The harsh gravel cut into her knees as she collapsed. Body shaking and breath erratic, Inko's mind refused to believe what had happened.

Her shaky screams had attracted an audience, as she was soon surrounded by the apartment residents. Their concerned questions went unanswered, as the memory of her little boy's smiling face and contagious laugh replayed over and over in her mind. Hands opening and closing, subconsciously grasping little hands belonging to her son. Onlookers felt a pain deep in their hearts as she lifted her head. All emotion drained off her pale face, with endless tears slipping down her checks. But her eyes. They are what hurt the most. Searching and full of pain. Searching for the little boy with green hair that was taken from her.

"H-He's gone"
"Izuku is gone". 

Words: 1091
Excuse me for any changes in the tense or pov and third person, it will be my downfall.

I tried to make the dialogue and flow easier to understand/read, but it might be different when anyone else reads it. So feedback is loved (Don't care if it is harsh or rude)
Hopefully this is better then my past version, I won't show that to new readers. But don't worry. This will end with two alt universe colliding.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, it makes my day seeing the number of people who have read this fic (〃ω〃)

Love you all,
        ~Weeb-Boo-Bitch :}

Credit to Kohei Horikoshi for Boku no hero
                        -Full credit for characters and topics

Credit to 'artbunny' on DeviantArt for the beautiful (kinda depressing) art
Credit to 'Marky' (username on yt) for the amazing video
Credit to 'Finnji' (username on yt) for the basic idea and theme

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