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Izuku expected to see his mother's sleeping face when he awoke, not a white wall. Strapped to a chair in a small a white room, Izuku started to feel panic running through his tiny body. His heart rate skyrocketing, hyperventilating and thrashing in his chair, the 4-year-old was very scared. He tried to breathe, but he found he couldn't. He couldn't remember. Spots of black started appearing in his vision. Everything soon turned black.


The next time he opened his eyes, there was a man in front of him. He was tall with short brown hair, cruel eyes and birdlike mask concealing his lower face. He resembled the basic villain.  No, he was a villain. That's when Izuku realised he had been kidnapped by villains. He started hyperventilating again as he started thinking. Was mum ok? Did they hurt her? What are they gonna do to him? Without realising he subconsciously started muttering "Willtheykillhimoraretheygoingtousemeagianstheroesoraretheygoingtohurtmewil-"

"Shut up!", the villain-like-man said, his voice was deep and gravely. No attempt to hide the sneer in his voice. "You will be staying with us for now on. You must never leave, never talk without permission and never fight back. Understood?"

"W-w-what happened to my m-mum?"

The man before him stiffened and the air in the room seemed to turn stale. "Rule two. Never talk without permission!". He slammed his hands on the chair's armrests, face dangerously close to Izuku's. That said boy quivering and nodding his head meekly. Fear becoming at home in his gut.

The villain pulled his hands back, once again leaning against the wall staring at him. "You are to address me as sir and do everything anyone here says. If you don't you will be punished"

"Understood sir"

He seemed satisfied as he turned side one and walked towards a door. Izuku let out a sigh of relief as the bad man was so close to leaving until he stopped. And looking at the little boy strapped to the chair he said, "Your mother was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of her son, one Izuku Midoriya". Izuku's heart stopped, he stopped thinking. She didn't do this, what did everyone think happened?

"Sir, she d-didn't kill me".

"They don't know that", with that, he turned and walked out the door. Ignoring the crying boy, desperately trying to escape the chair.

Purple gas filled the room and the boy passed out once again


Izuku shivered, he was cold. Why wasn't he in bed?

"Pfft", a soft voice whispered. He sat up confused, still c o l d. Opening his eyes he saw metal bars surrounding him leaving little space to move. A hard stone floor with a thin mattress in a corner, along with a bucket and tray of food.

"You're awake, good", a different voice said this time. Izuku looked over to his right and saw kids his age if not older. 5 in total, all different heights and colours, three girls and two boys. And every single one had a tattoo, more marking, under their left eye, "KC001" - "KC005". And if the slight itch under his eye was any confirmation, he was "KC006".

"H-hi?", curse his stutter. It seemed to be ok, however, as they all smiled warmly at him. Signs of pain and pity hidden in their eyes. "Do you know where we are? Or what's gonna happen to me?", it seemed that that was the wrong thing to say as they all visibly flinched. "Cells". Izuku looked amongst the children until he saw one boy, obviously the oldest, against the far wall. "And what they will do to you, they will use you. To end the age of quirks".


It was when all the children were asleep that the bad man came back. He dragged Izuku up and down hallways and past endless doors, only to end up inside the familiar white room, strapped to a metal table.

Izuku wanted to fight back, but rule 3 states" You must ever fight back". Izuku was a smart child, he knew to follow the rules.

The villain-man stalked over to him, once he was rendered immobile. "My quirk, KC006,  grants me the ability to disassemble and reassemble anything I touch", he emphasised this by touching the medical stand to his left, imploding only for it to regain its shape seconds later. "It also allows you to give as much as you possibly can to help make the cure". With that villain-man walked over to the untouched medical table, picking up a scalpel and icecream looking scope.

Izuku closed his eyes, preparing for what was to come. Tried to go so deep into his mind that he couldn't feel the pain. It was not enough. The searing pain that erupted from his arm was enough for Izuku to pass out. And yet the pain stopped. Izuku opened his eyes and looked down. His arm was perfectly fine. He could have sworn that hi-

There was villain-man, standing above his head, eyes shining. Holding an arm that had bones protruding the skin and so twisted it looked like a pretzel. His arm. Izuku was frozen in shock, not a whisper escaping his lips as his arm was dropped onto the floor. Splashing into the puddle of blood. The acidic feeling of vomit rose in his throat. "See, that is my quirk. A mere taste of what is to come", his voice so neutral as is he did not just tear off my arm. "Normally we would only do arms and legs, but you're special 6, I just know it. So let's start higher and work our way down". The 4-year-old was still trying to comprehend what the man was telling him, also trying to push back the approaching panic attack. But when villain-man approached him with the ice cream scoop, and slowly lowered it to Izuku's eyes. The young boy went deep into his mind as if he could outrun what was to come as if he could hide from it.

But it didn't stop the scoop from lowering. Or the scream that shattered from his throat.

Timeskip: 9 years
                 : Everyone refers to Izuku as 6 because he is KC006
                 : He also kinda resembles Levi
Despite the frosty meeting, the six children trapped in their cells underground grew to be a family. Izuku grew to see them as older brothers and older sisters, going so far to call them such. They comforted one another through hardships or when they came so close to breaking. They never revealed their past lives, they forgot long ago so they called each other an abridged version of their subject name, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. They were all brought in at the age of 4, after deemed quirkless, and experimented on to find the "cure" to quirks.

And yet no one knew that '6' remembered his past, they all thought the trauma hid it away. They were wrong. His appearance had changed, no longer did he look like the boy that first came here. His ear length straight black hair contrasting his toxic green eyes. Face sharp and defined, with the outline of muscles seen in the places his clothes did not reach. His physical appearance might of changed, but nothing could make him forget his mum, his promise to kacchan and dream to be a hero. He knew that he was once called Izuku Midoriya and he turned thirteen 3 days ago, he had been trapped here for 9 years. His entire body was fake, long since taken and replaced. He held onto the hope that heroes would save them, that was until villain-man had taken his heart. They wouldn't save them.

So when the moment came, he would be a true hero and save his new family.

Words: 1417
Excuse me for any changes in the tense or pov and third person. I am as good at stuff like that as I am at asking my parents for something....fucking terrible

Feedback is loved, even if harsh or rude.
Hopefully, it is ok to read and understand.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, it makes my day seeing the number of people who have read this fic. (ω)

Love you all,
    ~Weeb-Boo-Bitch :}

Credit to Kohei Horikoshi for Boku no hero
            -Full credit for characters and topics
Credit to the artist for the jaw-dropping art

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