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He should have known that today was a bad day. A night spent running over rooftops, patrolling the moonlit city. The streets were deathly silent. No back alley muggings or fights. Like the calm before the storm. To make matters worse, there had been no coffee in his apartment this morning. Yesterday's midnight snack drained not only his supply of coffee but also his backup supply and emergency stash. His mood was already dangerously close to snapping. So, of course, Nezu had to call a staff meeting....At 6 in the morning.


His eye twitched as his name was called, slowly straightening in his plush chair. "For the first time in years, the streets were quiet". Silence. He continued speaking, "There were no casualties or fights, but on my way back I overheard some shady characters. They were very quiet, but I managed to hear something about children and a 'big boss' ". He sat back down, head resting on the table as he closed his eyes. He didn't need to open them to know that Nezu's eyes glistened.

"Where did you say that warehouse was, Aizawa?"

"*** ***** *** ******"

A large screen on the far wall flickered to life, giving live feed of the very place just mentioned. The warehouse was disguised amongst buildings and cafes, the perfect place for shady deals of the underworld. It appeared to be empty, but the lack of drunkards and homeless people seeking shelter suggested otherwise.

"By what you are saying, we can assume that child-trafficking or possible experimentation is occurring in that warehouse, I will personally ensure that hero's interfere", Nezu's voice sympathetic. Cases like these had always had Nezu involved. His past making him restless in protecting others from what he had experienced.

Aizawa felt a small frown grow on his face, his colleagues mirroring him. They always tried to make sure Nezu didn't remember his past. The hidden pain in the principal's heart always effected the staff's morale.

"Please keep this quiet, there must be no information le-"

Nezu was cut short as Aizawa trained eyes caught movement on the screen. The large reinforced door were opening, warehouse creaking. The shadows past the door shifted, and through them drove three black SUV's. Glass so tinted it could be considered illegal. The speed at which the cars drove and the obvious underlings running out from within, had all heroes on alert. The cause of their rush unknown.

Then the rumbling started.

Even from far away the room shook, pictures falling and smashing, chair tipping and walls creaking. It looked even worse at the warehouse. The camera was unable to focus by the sheer power radiating from within the shadows.

A black void emerged from within the shadows, spreading and growing at an alarming rate, large claws like hands sweeping over everything surrounding the building. Everything that was swept over hidden from view. The camera showed static. The problem quickly solved as Nezu immediately switched to a satellite camera, the long-ranged view showing just how great of an area was hidden. Aizawa held his breath as the warehouse was out of sight. Fearing the worst. Time seemed to stop as Aizawa held his breath. His heartbeat a steady beat in his ears. Then it was gone. The black expanse and with, it everything inside.

The once crowded area, full of buildings and houses, gone. The ground replaced with that of what appeared to be dust. All objects, living or nonliving, disappeared. Aizawa clasped his hands together, the shaking not stopping. The power that a person had to have to be able to do that. A chill crept up his spine.

'Movement detected', the screen flashed.

Nezu zoomed in. The confused expressions of the heroes were quickly replaced with that of surprise. "W-what in the world", Mic's voice straining. For in the dead centre of the emptiness sat a child.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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