Chapter 23

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Sam’s POV

I began to hear a number of voices that seemed to be coming from a distance. A great distance, like they were coming from somewhere far away, yet I could hear them. At first they sounded like quiet mumbling, or maybe like the sound of a child laughing. I wasn’t sure what I was hearing, one moment I heard, what I thought was, an older man’s voice, the next moment I heard a child laughing. It felt like I was under water and there were number of different people surrounding me as if I wasn’t even there.  Then all of a sudden I heard one very clear voice, it felt like the man was standing right behind me one second and went further away the next second and then came back again.
I heard him laughing, then I heard a child laughing, I suddenly felt something emotionally heavy fall onto my heart as I began to realise what I was hearing.
I opened my eyes and I found myself in a playground, it was completely empty except for two people. A young, dark haired boy wearing a red stripy shirt and white shorts, sitting in a set of swings and an older man, who was standing behind the little boy and swinging him higher and higher. They both were laughing; their faces were full of joy and happiness. The man’s face was creased with old age; his dark hair was starting to show bits of grey.  I closed my eyes for a moment and let the air hit my face, I inhaled the warm summers air, and when I opened them again I felt my body swinging up and down, I felt myself laughing, I felt my heart racing and my face was aching from smiling too much. I felt someone push me higher as I called out ‘More, More’’. The man behind me laughed back, ‘’I’m trying, son’’ he said.

Suddenly I realised what was happening, I felt like the whole world had stopped spinning. I shut my eyes for another brief second and when I opened them I found myself in dark and empty room.
The little boy on the swings was me; the man pushing me was my father. The man that I hadn’t seen in over fifteen years, I didn’t even know the man. That day on the swings was the last time I had ever seen him, I had never thought of him before, I didn’t feel the need to think of him. I had always known that he had left me, left my mom, who eventually also left me, and hadn’t come back for me since. I began to feel like someone was suffocating me, I hated to think of all of this. I felt like things never went right in my life.

I felt the dark empty room begin to spin; I was on my knees looking up at the ceiling where a very bright light was shining directly into my eyes.

Suddenly I heard voices again, the same voices I heard a moment ago, this time they were getting closer and soon I was able to make out what they were saying.

‘’We got him back! He’s alive, he’s fine, thank God, we have him back’ One voice said.

‘’Sam, Sam can you hear us?’ another one spoke.

What was going on, was I dead? Had I died? I knew my eyes were opened but all I could see was a very bright light shining directly into my eyes. Suddenly the light disappeared and I began to make out shapes, at firsts all I saw a white ceiling, but then I began to notice a number of people surrounding me. Where was I?

‘’Sam, how are you feeling?’’ A woman spoke, I saw her mouth move. She had bright orange hair, glasses and she was wearing a turquoise uniform.  Like the ones nurses usually wore.

‘’Is he responding’’ I heard another voice, this time it was a man.

‘’No, but he’s moving his pupils, I’m not sure if he can hear us’’ the orange hair woman spoke again.

‘’Sam, if you can hear me nod’’’ She spoke and I felt myself nodding.

‘’He can hear us, everything’s all right’’ She said looking up from my face.

‘’Bring him into his room and let him rest, but keep him under observation, make sure he gets the right amount of fluids and give him his medication right into his system. ‘’ the man spoke and then the woman disappeared from my view.

Once again I was looking up at the flawlessly white ceiling, I began to put things together, and I began to understand where I was. It was a hospital, I tried to remember the last thing that happened, but I couldn’t. I felt like there was a huge dark cloud hovering over my brain, not letting me access my memory.
I shut my eyes once again, beginning to feel very tired as I felt myself being pushed forwards. 

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