SIXTEEN: The Impossible Deal

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(6th June, 2011)

It's been two days since Rick announced that we were going to war, I was on noise duty with Carl, Maggie, and Noel. We had pots and buckets, slapping them with sticks and shouting. Michonne had the genius idea to put some of the barbed wire on the ground in front of the gate, to pop the tires when the Woodbury crowd try to attack us. We're just to distract the walkers from our people in the field as they set up Michonne's idea. Once we saw that they were driving back up the prison, we made our way back up through the walk way between the two outside prison fences.

"Race ya!" Carl called before he took off, me and Noel quickened our pace, racing him to the top. "Cheater!" I call at Carl who had reached the top before me and Noel, "that wasn't fair, you got a head start." I playfully shove Carl as Noel opens the gate, he laughed lightly, "no you're just slow." He snarked back at me and I faked a gasp at the insult, slapping a hand across my chest as if he shot me. Noel started laughing at me and Carl's interaction, telling us to shut up and go join the adults. We didn't have to be told twice as we heard Glenn say, "they try to drive up to the gate again, maybe some blown tires will stop them."

Rick complimented the idea, and Daryl points out that it was Michonne's, who was the next one to speak up and say, "we don't have to win. We just have to make their getting at us more trouble than it's worth. Like Noel's idea of keeping the walkers in the field." I smile over at my little brother who puffed out his chest in pride of his idea.

"I'm still mad you cheated," I tell Carl as we make our way up to our neighbouring cells, he laughs, "I request a rematch." I continue as I grab a change of clothes, "either way I'd win." Carl spoke up coming in behind me, I roll my eyes at him, "cocky much?" He tipped his hat me, "no just confident that you're way slower than me." I scoff at his remark, I grab my wash cloth from my bag. "Will you keep an eye on Noel and Naomi for me while I clean up?" I question him as I fold everything and put them in my messenger bag to carry to the shower room, "yeah, course. Will you join me on watch tonight?" I let a moment pause to make Carl squirm a bit from asking me to join him again tonight, "sure," I smile at him before approaching Daryl.

"Can you show me where you found the showers?" I question him, he nods and asks me if I'm ready, I nod and follow him. It only took two minutes to get there, "I'll wait out here for you, to walk you back." I nod and thanked him before entering the shower room. I took a two minute shower, scrubbed all the dirt and blood off my skin with my wash cloth and washed my hair with the shampoo and condition Michonne picked up on her last run. I got dressed into a black cami top with a purple flannel over it, I pulled on my jeans, socks and combat boots.

I spent a few minutes drying and brushing my hair before rejoining Daryl outside the room. "Better?" I questioned doing a spin for Daryl, "yeah, now come on, I got shit to do." I smile at him and walked back to Cell Block C talking about maybe going to retrieve my bike once the Governor is dealt with. "See you later Daryl." I smile at him as I watch him leave the building, when I arrive at the cell block, I look around to see all the under 18 members of the group around. I make my way over to Carl and Naomi who were playing with Naomi's favourite toys, aka plastic farm animals.

"Hey, can I join?" I question, Carl looks up at me and I almost see his jaw drop a little, Naomi pulls me to the ground as a blush paints on my cheeks. "So what's going on here?" I asked Carl to explain the game to me, "well Naomi here has been stealing my pigs and won't give them back." I nod understandably, "did these pigs have names?" I questioned, Naomi nodded, "Bobby, Pinky and Nyx." She informs me, I give them a confused face, "I don't know if I should be honoured you named your precious animals after me or offended that it's a pig." Carl chuckles at my words, "ask Naomi, she picked the names." I look at my sister who smiles at me.

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