TWENTY-ONE: Clearing the Block

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(8th June, 2011)

Everyone started to wake up around 8ish, Rick asked me to stay and help Carol with breakfast whilst 'the men' fixed the watch towers. They had to put out the fires from the grenade launcher, and use some metal to reinforce the roofs and stop it collapsing. I noticed Danny looking panicked, he was scanning the floor of sleeping bodies and the group of people awake. I slowly approach the boy, "who you looking for?" I asked him cautiously, "my grandparents, the Richards." I nod, and tell him to follow me. "I heard them groan from back pain and let them take my bed for the night." I explain to him as we walk up to my cell.

"Where did you sleep then?" Oliver questioned me as he caught up with us, "I didn't sleep, sat on the stairs keeping an eye out all night." I open my cell door, allowing the boys to go in and wake the Richards. I follow them inside to see the old couple cuddling in their sleep, my lip pursed at the sight as I tried to hold in an 'awe'. Danny lightly shook them awake, the couple yawned simultaneously and stretched graciously.

"How'd your back now?" I ask them as the boys helped them up off the bed, "I feel twenty years younger." Mr Richards chimes making me smile at him, "still too old for me." Mrs Richards comments cheekily looking at her husband making me laugh lightly. "Well tonight you will all have your own place to sleep, and decorate however you please. I'll make sure to make your bed a double one." I sent them a saucy wink and the couple chuckled brightly at me, as Danny made a repulsed face at what I was implying.

"Breakfast is ready when you are." I informed them, rushing to the end cell and rushing back. "Here's some fresh clothes. I'll hang the curtain up to block you from those passing by." I hand them to the couple, I hung up the curtain and walked out, "please wait until you get your own cell. Your grandson will wait for you both out here." I spoke through the curtain, nodding at Danny, Oliver stayed by his friend's side, "see y'all later." I smile at them and make my way back over to the kitchen area, helping hand out the late risers/comers breakfast.

The Richards, Danny and Oliver come down about ten minutes later, I give them their food before being allowed to sit down and eat my own. "Nyx, can you feed Naomi? I wanna go check on Daddy." Beth asked me, I smile and nodded at her, telling her to go ahead whilst sitting Naomi on my knee. "Hello princess, how'd you sleep?" I ask her and offer her the spoon she has to use to eat, "good, I still a whittle tie-ord." She admits to me as we eat together, "don't worry I'll give you an extra long nap today okay?" "Otay." I smile at the small blonde.

I rest my chin on the top of her when I finished eating, the pair of us just sat there enjoying each other's company. "Thanks for that Nyx." Beth returns, "anytime, I miss my little princess." I squeezed Naomi's cheeks making her laugh and squirm away from me. I give her a kiss on the forehead, "thanks Beth, for taking care of her." Beth shrugs before an infectious smile plays on her lips, "I think she takes more care of me." I wave goodbye to the pair and sit back down at the bench.

A whistle sounded from Daryl causing everyone to look over in his direction, "Huntress, it's time to clear A & D." Daryl informed the room, I got up adjusting my bow and following Daryl out to Rick, Glenn, Phoebe, Sasha, and Karen. "We don't know how bad they are so it's best we bring a big group of us." I nodded in agreement, "why didn't the Governor recruit you for his army?" I questioned Phoebe, since she was sixteen and by the looks of it capable of handling herself. "Severe Asthmatic, at least that's what Andrea told him, that I couldn't run three yards without having a asthma attack. That's not true tho, I can make it at least 20 yards." The red headed girl informed me, I accepted her accused as Rick told us to get ready to go.

"Do you have much experience with walkers?" I ask the red headed girl as we walked to cell block D, "yeah, me, Emily and Dad were found by the Governor two months ago. We know how to survive," I frown sadly, "I'm sorry about your dad." I spoke to the older girl, she gave me appreciative smile and apologised for the family I lost as well. "Ready?" Rick questioned the ground, we nodded and all of my group got into formation, Karen, Sasha and Phoebe shared a surprised glance before falling into formation with us.

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