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(8th June, 2011)

"GSNJ" George yelled when we got near a group of tents, a beautiful young woman comes out of the first tent, a man and what looks like his son come out of the second tent. "George!" The young woman chimed and she rushed to him, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tightly. "I told them that you're still alive, but we were going to move on tonight." She whispers in desperation, "I got trapped by walkers, had to wait until after these people cleared their halls." George gestured to me, Rick and Daryl. "You're the people that live in the prison?" the man who stepped in front of his son protectively spoke, "us and 34 others." Daryl informed them, the boy's jaw dropped at the number.

"You're welcome to join us once you answer three questions." Rick informed the group, George lead us over to a log that surrounded a fire pit. "I'm Rick, this is Daryl and Nyx. You are?" Rick questions, "this is my girlfriend Sadie, and that's Noris and James, they're father and son." George introduced us, "just so you know that wasn't one of our three questions." I chip in. Rick looked at me and whispered informing me of a deer nearby, before nodding in the direction of the hind.

I stand up quietly, raising my bow slowly before launching an arrow straight into the female deer's eye. "I got it, you ask your questions." I tucked my bow away, pulling out my knife and making my way over to deer. I bend down searching it for any sigh of walker interaction but it was clear. I pull twine out of my bag, tied up the hind into the shape of a backpack, and I pulled it onto my back. "Why?" Rick questioned, "never were put in the position where we had to." Noris answers the question, "we all set?" I question the group coming into their view, "Nyx look into their eyes." Daryl requested I look at him confused, "Noel said you can tell who's good and bad by looking in their eyes." Daryl shrugged, I nod and slide the deer down next to Rick and Daryl as I slowly approached the group of four.

I look into George's eyes first, "only child, mom left when he was young, has trust issues but still has a pure heart. Good." I smile at George who looked at me stunned I got all of that looking into his eyes. "One of four, three brothers. Parents were stricter on her which lead to a lot of resentment, but a caring soul. Good." Sadie had the same expression of her boyfriend, I moved onto James. I look into his eyes, a smile played on my lips, "had loving parents, kind soul, strong. I'm sorry about your mum, it was recent like a week ago. He's good." I moved to Noris when I saw the pain in his eyes, I frowned and lightly placed my hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry about your wife, I can see how much you loved her. Raised by his grandmother, respectful and trustworthy. Good."

Rick and Daryl looked at me the same way the newbies looked at me, "I thought we'd get a good or bad, not a background check." Rick admits, I shrug, "everyone's secrets of their past are in their eyes, you just need to know where to look." I picked up the hind once again, adjusting it to be a little more comfortable. "Pack what you want to bring with you. We have plenty room for you." Rick smiled at the group who began packing furiously.

Our whole group stood in the hallway between block C and B. We all introduced ourselves to newbies properly, we tell them the rules. Noel grabs Damien and Tyreese to help with another couple bed in cell block B for George and Sadie. Noris and James were put booked into cell block D, but first we decided we should introduce them to the rest of our residents that haven't moved out of our cell block yet. Daryl makes a loud whistle calling everyone's attention to us, the room falls silent and Rick stood forward.

"We'd like you to welcome our new comers..." Everyone claps to welcome the new group, I nudge George to hint at him to tell everyone his name. "Hi everyone, I'm George." He smiles and everyone chanted back a "welcome George." Then Sadie, Norris and James introduced themselves, before Hershel cleared his throat, grabbing everyone's attention. "Us at the council have paired you all up and designated a cell to fit your needs. So, Sasha will you call and lead those that will be staying in cell block A." Sasha nodded stepping forward, "Jessica, Damien, Mr & Mrs Collins, Phoebe, Emily, Greg and Alice, please gather your things and follow me."

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