TEN: Neighbours

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(1st June, 2011)

|-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/NOEL'S POV-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-|

Me, Carl and Carol were by the fence, waiting for the others to come back. Daryl promised me that he would get Nyx back for me and Naomi, and I've been praying that would happen. Carl and Carol were talking to each other, I was too worried to think about anything other than Nyx being home safe. "She's going to be ok Noel, your sister is the strongest person I know." Carl spoke, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. We hear the sound of a car, "please be them." I whispered and watched, when the light green kia came into view. Carl and Carol rush to open the gates, and I knew by the speed of Rick driving that something was wrong.

Rick pulled over and got out, Maggie climbed out and pulled something out of the car, it was Nyx. "No, no, no.. please no." My lip began to tremble as I watched everyone start to panic and Maggie run up the field with Nyx not moving in her arms. I ran after her, catching up with her and opening all the doors to get her to Hershel as fast as possible. "DAD!" Maggie yelled as she made her way into the cell block, "HERSHEL!" I called, and Hershel rushed in on his crutches with a smile on his face until he saw Nyx. Our guests were looking at her in shock, "Noel, hold your sister's hand." Hershel ordered me and did exactly that. I sat down on the bench and held onto Nyx as tight as I could. "Please save her, please." I begged Hershel, as stripped Nyx to show all her wounds. Her body was bruised, her shoulder and leg had bullet wounds in them and her face was beaten.

"How long has she been unconscious for?" Hershel questioned, "5 hours, in and out." Hershel checked her eyes making sure they were responding. Rick, Glenn, Carol and Carl bursted in with Michonne close behind. Hershel began barking orders, orders I didn't bother to listen to. I felt like my head was going to explode as I rested it against our two hands. I started mumbling, telling Nyx to keep fighting, to stay alive. I felt my heart beating in my forehead, as Hershel treated her. "Hey, look at me." Nyx's voice sounded, I did as instructed, "I love you, ok? More than anything in the world. We'll get through this together like we always have," she tries to comfort me, "you're the one hurt and you're comforting me?" I question her, she chuckles softly and nods, "you before me," she mumbles before she passes out again.

"She's stable, we need to move her to a bed. She needs rest, and lots of water," Hershel told us, as we moved her onto a metal table with wheels, the same one they used to bring Hershel back. "I can get an IV from the infirmary." I spoke about to stand up, Rick stops me, "you need to stay with her. Carl and I will go for the IV." Rick nudged his son with his elbow and the pair disappeared into the prison. "Maggie, Carol, Beth and Noel, I need you to carefully move her onto this bed." Hershel spoke moving the metal table that we had moved Nyx onto into the closest cell. "On three, one, two, three..." We successfully got her onto the bed, Hershel asked Carol to watch over Nyx while he went and had a look at Glenn. "Noel, I know you're worried about your sister but it'll be a couple of hours before she wakes up, take Naomi for a walk." Carol told me, I promised her I would once the IV is in.

After Hershel setup the IV for Nyx, I took Naomi off Beth and held her hand as we went for a walk. "We haven't met this member yet." Sasha cooed as she squatted down next to Naomi, "this is my baby sister, Naomi." I crouched down to her height and told her to say hello. "Hii," Naomi smiled and waved her hand, she looked around the room, she spotted that Maggie was back before turning to look at me, "Nyx home?" she asked me and I sadly smiled at her, "yeah, Nyx is sleeping, she's very tired." I told her, "is Nyx-" Sasha began to question, I cut her off saying yes. Tyreese and Sasha sent me a sad smile, "she's strong. She'll be ok." I told them before walking with Naomi for a bit. Naomi has been looking for Daryl, she keeps asking Rick where's Dar-dar, and he keeps telling her that he's gone away for a while with his brother.

|-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/NYX'S POV-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-|

I groan as I open my eyes and instantly feel all the pain my adrenaline was protecting me from, "is this what it feels like to be hit by a bus?" I questioned the room, I turned my head and Carol was holding my hand and laughing lightly. I let out a happy breath of air, "you're alive." I beamed as I raised my arm to give her a hug. "I'm so happy you're still here." I admit to her, "Hershel, she's awake!" Carol calls, Hershel, Glenn, Rick, Maggie and Noel rush inside of the cell to get a look at me. "Noel.." I whispered in relief as he wraps his arms around me in a tight hug, "careful, she's very sore. She compared it to getting hit by a bus." Carol informed the group, I look over at Glenn and laugh to myself causing him to ask me what was I laughing at, "you look like shit." Glenn laughs smiling at me, "you don't look so great yourself." I chuckled again, this time stopping as I got a sharp pain in my side. I look over at Rick and Hershel, giving them a smile as I thank them, "Maggie.. how are you coping?" I ask her, she takes a hold of my hand, "I'm doing alright now, you?" I slightly shrug, "other than the bus pain, ok."

Carl, Beth, Naomi and the baby join us, I smile giving Naomi a kiss hello, "have you named her yet or have we decided asskicker is meant to be?" I questioned as I shake her little hand. "Judith." Carl informs me, "that's a beautiful name." I smile at him, "hey Judith, I'm Nyx. I'm usually a lot prettier, I promise." The group chuckled, "how long am I on bed rest?" I ask Hershel, who shook his head, "no need for it, whenever you're ready." I nod, "I'm ready." "Everybody out, but you Maggie, I need you to help her get dressed." Maggie nods, everyone left the cell and made their way over to the benches. "So, you gonna tell me what everyone's been avoiding to tell me?" Maggie acts dumb, I decided not to push it. I let Maggie help me put on my sweatpants and vest top, "do you want to talk about what happened? Tell me exactly what happened in that room when you were alone with the Governor." Maggie questioned as she braided my hair, "no, not yet. I need to process everything else first." Maggie nodded understanding what I was saying.

"Wanna met our temporary neighbours?" Maggie questioned, I looked at her confused but she slowly led me out of the cell towards through the door revealing five strangers. "Hello everyone, I'm Nyx." I smile and wave at them as Maggie keeps me stable. "I'm Tyreese, this is my sister Sasha. That's Allen and Ben." I nodded at them, "nice to meet ya." Maggie sat me down on a bench, Carol handed me a bowl of food and Beth gave me a bottle of water. "Thank you." I ate most of my food, and drank all of my water. I passed the extra bit over to Carl and Noel to eat. I notice the woman with the samurai sword hasn't introduced herself, I slowly get up and Maggie jumps to help me. "I'm fine Maggie, if I fall, I'll get back up again." I slowly made my way over to the woman, I could feel eyes on me as I moved, "hi, I wanted to thank you," the woman looked at me taken aback, "thanks to you I got home in time." I dropped my hand in front of her, she shook it gently.

I was in my cell when I decided I wanted some answers, "Rick, can I speak with you for a minute?" Rick nods and makes his way towards me, "catch me up on what's going on." Rick looked over at the group, "Oscar died in Woodbury, and Daryl decided to leave because we wouldn't allow Merle in the prison." My jaw dropped in shock, "Daryl's gone?" I asked just to double check, I wobble as my legs start to give out, Rick helps me lie down in the bed, "in a few days I'll be ready to go out there, I'll try my best to restock the supplies you used on me." Rick shook his head no, "you're not going on anymore runs. The Governor will be coming here after us, I need you here."

I nodded my head knowing it's best not to argue with him, "I'm gonna have to make a new bow and a lot of arrows. I'll get Noel and Carl to help me, I can teach them for future sake." Rick beamed at my suggestion, "that's smart. I know that I'm putting a lot of pressure on yo-" I interrupted Rick, "don't start the crap, if I'm struggling I'll come to you or Glenn." Rick nodded before leaving the cell, telling me to sleep.

Naomi and Noel bounded into the cell, "I'm going to take a nap now. Do you wanna join me?" Naomi nodded her head excitedly while Noel said yes, "get Carl to lock our cell, just in case." I told him as I moved to the edge of the bed and I put Naomi at the wall. Noel did as I asked before returning and getting into the middle of his two sisters. I wrapped my arm around Noel, and held Naomi's hand as the three of us slowly fell asleep.

Surviving Nyx (C.Grimes/TWD) {{ON HOLD}}Where stories live. Discover now