THIRTY-FOUR: Truth Comes Out

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(31st October, 2011)

After we showered and changed our clothes, Carl and I went to library. I sat on the couch, Carl's head was rested on my legs as he read his comic book and I played with his hair whilst reading mine. "You sure you're okay?" I question him, Carl sighs closing his comic book and sits up to face me. "I'm okay, are you?" I shrug honestly, "I'm still a little shaken up, I thought I lost you." I admit taking Carl's hands, I notice him blush at the contact, and I finally feel like I can admit my feelings and not get turned down.

"You're my safe place..." I whisper to him, Carl looks up from our hands looking into my eyes, "m-me? you like me?" Carl stutters which made me lose all confidence I had in our relationship. I stood up, "I knew it was stupid to admit it." I go to walk away but Carl takes a hold of my wrist and stands up. "Nyx, I like you too." I sigh in relief and felt myself get a little giddy, as I look Carl in the eye with a small smile on my lips. "Can I kiss you?" Carl asks me, I nod my head knowing that my words would fail me.

My arms snaked around Carl's shoulders as his wrapped around my waist. My breath hitched at the realisation that I was about to have my first kiss. I tilted my head as Carl leaned in closing his eyes, I closed the gap, closed my eyes and captured Carl's mouth. His lips sent warmth vibrations throughout my entire body, his lips were smooth and welcoming, complimenting my soft plump lips. Carl's tongue grazed my bottom lip and almost like a reflex, my lips parted along his tongue to evade my mouth, I hummed happily as the electricity of his tongue grazing mine sparked through my body.

Our tongues wrestle, fighting for dominance of the other's mouth like two wrestlers trying to pin each other down to win the match. My right hand lightly slid up the back of Carl's neck causing goosebumps to trail my fingertips and my hand finds its place in his hair. Carl pulled my body closer to his using his hands that didn't budge from my waist. I use my left hand to guide Carl's right hand down to my ass, letting him to squeeze it gently and moan leaves both of our mouths. I slowly break the kiss, a big goofy grin printed on both of our faces, Carl rest his forehead against mine.

"That was... wow." Carl whispers, I giggle in agreement, "yeah, wow." Carl asks me if that was my first kiss, once I admitted that it was, he informed that it was also his first kiss. "Nyx, would you maybe want to be my girlfriend?" Carl asks shyly, I tell him that I would love to and giving him another magical kiss. Carl and I sat back down on the couch, cuddling into each other as we read, at some point we must've fallen asleep because I woke up to a loud footstep.

When I went to jump to protect myself from the sound, I was held in place by Carl's arm around my waist. "Carl, there's someone in here." I whisper into his ear as I shake him awake, "BOO!" Glenn yelled causing Carl to wake up and me to fall off the couch, as I heard an eruption of laughter. I groan as I laid on the ground, Carl looks over the edge of the couch as if to ask if I'm okay, I just nod as he stands up and he helps me up.

"You two looked cosy, how come Oliver, Danny, Patrick and Phoebe aren't here?" Rick questions us, "we won a piggyback race, winners got a Kitkat and this place to themselves for the day." Carl explains as I wipe the dirt off my clothes. "Why would you two want this place to yourselves?" Daryl questions suggestively, "we didn't Dad. Phoebe wanted it with Patrick, but we won." I tried to argued, "so that's why you were cuddling?" Maggie questions, Carl and I made eye contact, our cheeks blushed bright red as if we were asking each other if we should tell them.

"Is the whole group here?" Carl questioned, everyone nodded, I spotted Noel holding Naomi, I smiled seeing him spend time with someone other than Lena. Carl and I gesture for everyone to sit down, we stand shoulder to shoulder I slid my hand into Carl's as we prepared to tell the group. "Well spit it out, the suspense is killing me." Noel tells us bouncing excitedly on the edge of his seat. I think he knows what we were about to go with this. "We're dating." We say together, the group looked extremely happy by this news, "since when?" Beth questioned, "about three hours ago. So, it's very new and this," I gesture to them all sitting with massive grins on their faces, "is very strange."

Carl squeezed my hand to give me some extra comfort. "Who admitted their feelings first?" Hershel questioned, "I did." I respond trying to get this conversation over as fast possible. "Who asked who?" Daryl questioned, Carl informed them that he was one to ask me to be his girlfriend which caused me to blush a little, "awh look at them.." Carol chuckles, I wish the floor would swallow me up. "Now, we'll have to change your sleeping arrangements." Rick began, my heart dropped surely he doesn't think a couple of fifteen year olds are gonna do what Maggie and Glenn frequently do.

"Why?" Carl questions confused, I pretend to have the same confusion, "Rick, I think we're safe with a pair of fifteen year olds?" Maggie points out our confused faces, "I don't know if I should be proud or disappointed that my son didn't know I was talking about sex." Rick chuckles causing me and Carl to let our mouths hang open in shock that he actually said what he was thinking. "You're kidding, I have a girlfriend for three hours and your mind went instantly goes to keeping us apart out of fear we'd have sex?" Carl questioned looking for confirmation, "yeah, especially after the last couple of months I've had." I remind him, Rick's face paled he had honestly forgotten what fifteen year olds he was talking to.

"Right sorry," Rick stood up and the others followed suit and suddenly my hand was being pulled out of Carl's as our group have a massive group hug. "By the way, you missed dinner." Noel informed us just as my stomach growled angrily, "we'll make some soup." Carl shrugs trying to hold in a laugh. "No need, we saved you some." Michonne informed us as we all walk to cell block C. Carl and I walk side by side holding hands, "where's Lena?" I question Noel as we journey, "she told me that I shouldn't be spending all my time with her, that I still had family who shouldn't go unnoticed." My eyes widened in disbelief.

"Did I ever tell you how much I like Lena?" I spoke cheekily looking over at Noel confirming that I agree with his girlfriend's thoughts. "okay, I promise to stop ignoring and avoiding you." Noel promises which makes me look at him in confusion as I asked him why was he avoiding me. "Well I was afraid you'd start telling Lena stories about when I was a dumb baby." "was?" I ask cheekily which makes everyone laugh as Noel playfully shoved me. "Well to be fair, you could always get revenge and tell me stories about baby Nyx." Carl suggests, I look at him shaking my head at his 'bargain'.

As Carl and I ate our dinner, Beth, Naomi, Judith, and Noel sat with us. We just talked and laughed like nothing has changed, me and Carl continued to roast each other like we always have. This is exactly what I hoped dating Carl would be, comfortable like nothing has been lost, like how we were with the addition of sweet kisses and potentially love. "Why are you looking at me with that goofy smile?" I didn't move, "just lost in my thoughts." I tell him as I look down at my food, not letting the smile to leave my face.

"Well Carl you've gotten my approval, you've made my sister happy after months of misery." Noel held out his hand for Carl to shake it, which he did instantly whilst I shook my head. "Now you just need Daryl's approval." Beth speaks up causing all of us to look at her confused, "what? He's your adoptive Dad..." Beth explains her thoughts, "don't worry Nyx, I've been trying to set you two up for months." Daryl's voice came from behind us, making me laugh as he and Carl shook hands whilst Daryl makes the fatherly threat of 'if you hurt my little girl, I'll kick your ass' and Carl promises not to hurt me.

"Alright, leave him be now." I tell the Noel and Daryl, but Naomi stands up on the bench in front of Carl holding out her hand, "I ike you too." Carl shook her hand saying that she's his favourite four year old, "I weally ike you." Naomi announced and gave Carl a hug, "ass kisser." I mumble causing Daryl and Noel to chuckle.

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