THIRTY-SEVEN: Campfire & Amber Light

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⚠️SMUT : Specifically Handjob⚠️
(12th December, 2011)

Carl looks at me confused as if to double check if it's okay for them to join us, I nod with a smile as I wave him over again. The boys make their way over to us slowly, as if they were still unsure. "The day is done, now it's a couples campfire." Phoebe told the boys once they got close enough, Carl chuckles coming over to me to give me a sweet kiss. We all sit around the campfire, the boys behind the girls hugging us from behind.

"Would you like to start us off Phoebe?" Phoebe hesitates but Patrick asks me for my guitar, "I didn't know you could play." Phoebe whispers, but Patrick ignores her playing the instrumental for 'Let it be' by the Beatles. Carl snuggles into my neck as I melt against his chest, whilst Phoebe prepares to sing.

We all clapped once the song came to an end, "beautiful," Patrick whispers giving Phoebe a sweet kiss, making everyone awe, I look around to see our whole group had joined us, including Tyreese, Karen, Charlotte, Sasha, Hailey, George, Sadie, Danny and Oliver.

"Nyx, your turn. Can you sing Grace?" Noel begs me, I blush I haven't sang in front of this many people in a long time. "Oh I love that song, please Nyx..." Maggie chimes whilst Naomi sat on her lap with puppy dog eyes. "Okay, but that's a tough act to follow..." Carl slips out from behind me, he grabbed Judith off Carol, sitting her on his lap sitting across from me. Everyone moved around so that I didn't have my back to them, and Patrick passes me back my guitar. I take a deep breath, before smiling and beginning to sing the Dubliners version of 'Grace'...

Whilst I sang my eyes scanned amongst the group and I saw a few faces that were no longer with us, my gran, Lori, T-Dog, Emily, Sydney, Mrs McLeod, Riley, Oscar, and Axel. Tears brimmed in my eyes as the song comes to an end, seeing all their smiling faces overwhelmed me. I chuckled as I took in another deep breath, as Naomi came over to give me a hug. "Greene sisters, you're up." I call on Maggie and Beth to sing next, they decided not to use my guitar, both agreeing to sing 'Red Is The Rose' by the High Kings.

"Okay, now it's time for s'mores, because I sing like a cat being strangled." Lena clapped her hand together and rub them together, which made everyone laugh. Beth handed out all the s'more supplies, whilst everyone moved around to get closer to the fire. Naomi takes a place on my lap, Carl sits next to me Judith on his lap, my head rested on his shoulder. "Did you fall? What happened to your neck?" Daryl questioned pointing to my hickey, I buried my bright red face into Carl's chest as everyone else laughed, "Carl is happened to her neck." Glenn explains before going on to inform him that it was a hickey.

"Kill me now." I whisper to Carl, who chuckled and gave me a kiss on my temple, I sigh smiling like an idiot, it's the small things that is making me fall for him so hard. "Your first hickey... they grow up so fast." Maggie pretends to tear up, looking over at Rick who wasn't looking so cheerful. Eventually the group's topic of conversation moved on from me having a hickey, to everyone just having a laugh and spending some chill time together. We sang a few more songs, ate some s'mores, and some random conversation on how the world used to be.

Naomi and Hailey yawned loudly causing me to yawn as well, "right, I'mma put the kids to bed." I told Carl, he chuckles giving me a cheeky peck on the lips, "yessss, dear." I playfully shove him, not too hard as he was still holding Judith as everyone chuckled at our little exchange. I took Judith off him, holding her to my side, Naomi grabbed my free hand and Hailey took Naomi's hand.

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