ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰɪᴠᴇ☆

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The two weeks to yourself were so relaxing, so calm, so stress free. The boys left you to your own device, realising it's probably better to let you get in contact with them rather than the other way round.

You'd slept in most days, and the days you were up early you'd pointlessly driven around to beautiful locations and just chilled out. You hadn't even had another drink since the last party, your evenings had been hot chocolate in front of the TV.

To say you were dreading the reunion would be an understatement, you'd been feeling sick the last two days because of it. You'd even thrown up this morning. Now, you watched their tour bus pull up outside your house, ready to pick you up.

You breathed deeply as you locked your front door and headed on.

"Hey!" Duff beamed as he wrapped his long arms around you, pressing a friendly kiss to the temple.

"Hi Duffles, hey guys," you smiled to everyone else. Except Izzy, you'd decided to stay well away from him.

Despite how the last encounter was, nothing was awkward between you and the other guys. They chatted away as if nothing had happened, you still hadn't looked at Izzy, hadn't even acknowledged his presence.

"Can we talk?" his voice had the room going quiet, you glanced over to find him watching you.

You shrugged and nodded, standing up and walking towards the back of the bus where there would be a little more privacy.

"Listen, I'm sorry I was a dick that time, I didn't mean everything I said. I know it upset you, I didn't mean for that," he murmured, studying your expression for a reaction, "how about we just try and put it behind us?"

You would've replied, had it not been for your stomach lurching. You thought your anxiety had eased but apparently talking to him had the opposite effect. You clamped a hand over your mouth and dashed into the bathroom, throwing the door shut and hunching over the toilet just in time to puke your guts up.

"You good?" Izzy knocked, you could hear from his voice that his expression would be screwed up in confusion.

You finished up and brushed your teeth, splashing some water onto your face before opening the door back up.

Izzy was still standing there, eyeing you suspiciously as you walked out.

"Yeah, behind us, that's cool," you replied to his earlier question, he nodded back but kept his gaze suspicious.

"You sick or something?"

"I'm good, just nerves."

You rejoined everyone else, sitting next to Duff who was doing his usual worrying. Constantly asking if you need a doctor, food, water, sleep...it was endearing, but you just wanted him to relax and move on.

"So, good news, GNR air is back in business so we can actually relax on a flight this time," Axl breathed out in relief, you had to admit you much preferred the quiet flights.

It hadn't even been ten minutes since you'd thrown up, and the feeling was overwhelming you again. You bit down on your tongue, you didn't need to give Duff another reason to worry, but even you were becoming suspicious. Maybe you'd caught something? You should get it checked, the last thing you needed was to get the entire band sick.

"Hey, what's the first stop?" you asked Duff, he thought for a moment.

"Texas first, Sunday to Tuesday we're there. Same place as before," he glanced at Axl to make sure he had the details right, who nodded in response.

"Sweet," you smiled before excusing yourself.

"Yeah, just a quick appointment is fine," you spoke to the receptionist at a local doctors surgery, booking yourself in for the time you were due to be in Texas.

"3pm is perfect, thank you."

You hung up the phone, jumping when Axl tapped you on the shoulder.

"Jeez, you're gonna give someone a heart attack one day, Ax," you held your chest for a moment.

"Sorry," he grinned before continuing, "who were you on the phone to? Appointment for what?"

You hushed him, it was easier not to let mother Duff hear, you probably weren't even sick.

"Just a check up, wanna make sure I don't have anything contagious. Don't tell Duff though, please, you know how much he worries."

Axl thought about it for a moment, glancing over at him.

"Alright, secrets safe with me, can I come?"

"Why would you wanna come? It's not gonna be fun," you chuckled.

"I'm sure I'll need the time away from those lot by then, please?"

"Alright, fine, Monday at 3pm."

Axl grinned, pretending to write it down on his arm so he wouldn't forget. You grabbed a bottle of water, the sickness wasn't letting up just yet.

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