ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ☆

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Your dreams were wild and vivid, it almost felt like real life. Side effect of the medication or the fact that you were actually getting sleep? You didn't know.

It was a crowded room, faces coming and going, greeting and waving as they walked past you. You barely noticed them, because your attention was taken by none other than Izzy Stradlin.

He was leaning against a wall, cigarette perched between his lips as his eyes watched you in amusement, his fingers beckoning you to come his way. Who were you to say no?

"Missed you," he noted as his fingertips grazed your cheekbone, eyes gleaming with something unrecognisable.

"Izzy..." you breathed out as he leaned in to kiss you.

Before your lips could connect, you were jolted awake by somebody shaking you rather violently.

"What the fuck?" you yelled as you sat up, eyes locking with Duff's apologetic and fearful ones.

"Sorry!" he mumbled with a pout, "just wanted to get into bed and you're taking up all the room."

You looked around, it must've been the middle of the night, the boys were nowhere to be seen. Biting on the inside of your cheek, you shuffled over and let him get in beside you.

"I should probably go to my own room," you yawned.

"Na, you're good here, don't worry about it," his tired voice was barely more than a whisper.

"Hey, Y/N? You and Izzy...you're alright, right?"

"I think so, why? Did he say something?"

"I know he was talking to Axl, not sure what about. Then when you were hanging with Axl I thought maybe he was passing messages along to you or something," you could feel him shrug in bed.

"Oh, no, no messages."


"Yes, Duffles?"

"You feel something for him, right? I've known you long enough to work out your emotions, and I'd say you seem pretty smitten."

"I...no, Duff, I don't," you turned over so you could face him, his eyes were closed but his face was a contortion of thought.

"Are you lying to me or yourself?"

Duff's words struck a chord, and you didn't have much time to respond as his breathing pattern changed pretty quickly, hinting that he'd fallen asleep. Were you lying to yourself? What did the dream mean?

Okay, time to think logically.

Things you like about Izzy;

- Behind the mask, he's caring.
- He's intelligent.
- He appreciates nature just as much as you.
- He's good looking.
- He's funny without trying to be.
- His eyes are full of mystery, behind that rich and beautiful colour.
- From what you remember, the sex was pretty good too.

Things you don't like about him;

- Unpredictable sometimes.
- Doesn't really do commitment.
- Can kind of be an asshole, but he never genuinely means it, not with you anyway.
- And then you were stuck, no more would come to mind.

Fuck, you thought, maybe you were lying to yourself after all.

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