ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱɪx☆

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Something just wasn't right, you didn't feel right. You couldn't exactly place what it was just yet, but as the days passed you by, you weren't feeling any less sick than when you'd first got on the bus.

Now in the middle of Texas, the morning after one of the shows, you were busy yet again throwing your guts up when Axl had let himself into your hotel room.

"Jeez, still sick?" he asked as you walked out of the bathroom, almost jumping out of your skin at the sight of him.

"Some warning would've been nice, you've got a terrible habit of sneaking up on people," you rolled your eyes but chuckled nonetheless, "yeah, still sick, what are you doing here?"

"We've got an appointment, remember?"

"Axl, that's not for another four hours. And I've got an appointment, not us," you raised an eyebrow and sat down on the bed beside him.

"So you're telling me I'm up this early for no reason? Great," he faked a yawn and sprawled out across the bed, making himself comfortable.

"Apparently so," his fake yawn triggered a real one in you, your eyes watering a little with the action.

Come to think of it, you hadn't had a full nights sleep in ages. You woke up several times a night, either to be sick or because your mind was in overdrive.

"What do ya think it is?" he mused, eyes staring up at the ceiling as he spoke.

"Probably a bug or something, who knows?"

"There's not like...I mean...I'm not sure how to ask..."

"Axl Rose beating around the bush, never thought I'd see the day."

He paused in thought before sitting up again, a serious look crossing his face as he glanced over you.

"Me and Izzy were talking last night."

"And?" you weren't sure where he was going with this, an eyebrow raising as you spoke.

"He didn't exactly pull out, did he?"

Your heart skipped a beat. No, there was no way you could've...no. Surely not. You could feel your breathing beginning to speed up at the idea, your eyes wide as you simply stared at Axl.

"He's um, he's worried," Axl added, scratching at the back of his neck, "I had to tell him we're going to the doctors, y'know, put his mind at ease."

Could you be? Why hadn't the thought crossed your mind before crossing Izzy's? And why hadn't Izzy said anything to you about it?

"I'm sure it's...I doubt I-" you cut yourself off, closing your eyes to breathe through a wave of nausea.

"Are you gonna be sick? Y/N?" Axl stood up, ready to take you if you were.

"I'm fine, give me a sec."

He patiently waited until you opened your eyes again and nodded, letting him know you were alright.

"Let's just order some food or something, relax a bit, try not to think about it," Axl suggested, heading over to the room service telephone as you nodded again.

"Y/N Y/L/N?" you heard over the speaker, notifying you it was your turn.

You stood up, Axl hesitantly following, unsure if he should come with you or not. You smiled to let him know he was fine to, then you went into the room announced on the speaker.

"Hello Miss Y/L/N, how can I help?" a young and cheery doctor greeted you upon entry, she was a pretty girl with flowing brown hair, skin glowing with what appeared to be a spray tan.

"I've been feeling sick for a few days, I just want to make sure it's nothing contagious."

"I see, have you had any other symptoms?"

"I've had trouble sleeping, but nothing other than that," you struggled to fight off a yawn just at the mention of sleep.

"Right, and have you had any unprotected sex in the last few weeks?"

You knew the question was coming, it was always the first thing doctors asked as soon as sickness was mentioned.

"Um, yeah, about three weeks ago?"

That was all she needed to hear for now, she got you to pee in a cup, Axl snickering at how disgusting it was when you'd returned with it, then began running what you assumed to be a pregnancy test.

The room felt so hot around you, despite the ice cold a/c, you could feel your heartbeat racing as Axl tried to offer a reassuring smile, letting you hold onto his hand once the doctor had sat back down to discuss the results.

"Well, Miss Y/L/N, you don't appear to be pregnant," you couldn't help the large sigh of relief that had come out upon hearing that, but it did leave you a bit puzzled on what exactly was wrong, "have you had any cramping? Tiredness?"

"A little, I assumed my period was due," you shrugged.

"I think you've got stomach flu. Quite common, it doesn't always show every symptom so I'd say you've got quite a mild case of it. I'm going to prescribe you some anti sickness pills but it should start clearing up pretty soon."

What a relief that was, you'd never felt such a weight lifted off your shoulders as you felt right now.

Axl hung around while you picked up the tablets, then you both walked back to the hotel. You took one of the pills along the way as you made your way to Duff's room, where everyone else was bound to be.

"Hey, where did you guys go?" Duff grinned upon seeing you.

"Doctors," you shook the tablets in your hand, watching his face contort in concern, and Izzy's head snap towards you from across the room, "just a stomach flu, should be gone soon."

"Right, well, early night for you tonight. No partying, no working, just a hot bath and bed," mother hen Duff was back with a vengeance, you did love it though, it was always nice to have someone taking care of you.

"Got it, early night," you playfully rolled your eyes, throwing yourself onto his bed as the guys made conversation. Without the feeling of nausea, the tiredness really began kicking in, your eyes slowly closing and succumbing to the sleep you very much needed.

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